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Cooperative Extension in Washington County

Composting Webinar Series-Composting Hemp Residual

University of Maine Cooperative Extension and the Maine Compost Team are hosting a series of compost seminars in March 2021. The hour-long seminars will begin at 12:00 noon (EST).  Each seminar will address a current issue in agriculture or waste management. Register Online Registration is required. Participants will receive the Zoom information after registering for this […]

Maine 4-H Science Cafe: From Farm to Table and Beyond

University of Maine Cooperative Extension 4-H is offering “virtual” science cafés! Come hang out for a bit, chat with a UMaine scientist, and learn about their work. It’s free!    On March 30, 2021, Colt Knight of the University of Maine Cooperative Extension will talk about pigs and cows in the "From Farm to Table and […]

Create Family Meals Series: Create Breakfasts for Families | Recipe: Mini Frittatas

Make a family-friendly recipe while learning tips and tricks for making healthy choices. FREE Online on Zoom! Thursdays, Feb. 11 – Apr. 1; 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Schedule April 1: Create Breakfasts for Families | Recipe: Mini Frittatas     Join FOUR or more classes and receive a gift bag with cooking supplies and a cookbook. […]

Spring Gardening Series: Fiddleheads: A Spring Tradition

Fiddlehead picking is a springtime tradition in New England. In this webinar, we’ll cover how to properly identify, sustainably harvest and safely cook New England’s iconic ostrich fern fiddleheads. We offer our program fee on a sliding scale ($0-10) Registration is required – Participants will receive the Zoom information after registering for this event. Register here!  […]

Food Preservation and Nutrition Workshop: Boiling Water Bath Canning

Date: April 15, 2021 Topic: Boiling Water Bath Canning Time: 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Location: virtual Price: $7 To register: sign up online University of Maine Cooperative Extension’s food preservation workshops will teach you the basics of canning and freezing, including how to use pressure canners and water bath canners to preserve pickles, jam, and vegetables. Nutrition workshops deliver cost-effective tips […]
