WCEA Meeting Minutes- April 2021

April 20, 2021- Washington County Executive Committee Meeting

Present: Eric, Bob, Heidi, Brittany, Alex, Inez Lobardo (visiting- potential new committee member), Jen 


Welcome and introductions 6:05pm.      
Secretary and treasurer’s report Bob, Kyle, Tara and Jen will meet to discuss pros and cons of online banking and report back, Tara’s computer has been purchased and has arrived. Sec- Bob made motion to accept, Eric seconded, all in favor

Tre- Eric made motion to accept, Heidi seconded, all in favor

Staff reports New Camp Director hired. Eri Martin will work at Bryant Pond and then come to Greenland Point. Camp will offer four weeks of sessions, some day camps, some overnight, with a GIS program with UMM the week prior to summer camps and a possible week after for Lubec youth.    
Annual Meeting Norm Duzen Award winner- has he been reached yet? No pen awards this year due to pandemic, video of year in past programming is coming together, Dean and PA have been invited, would like to recognize our 4-H youth who receive scholarships.   Kyle following up with NDA winner

May meeting will need to finalize annual meeting agenda

Member Recruitment Update Eric- 5 stars, Inez came to visit!

Jen – Alexis not interested in this year, Leslie Monroe considering and will visit next month, Brian Campbell will visit next month

  Bob- will contact Carrie in the next couple weeks


Making our programs more accessible Discussion around intentionally scheduling time in our meetings to talk about this- having committee members help us by providing insight/feedback about their communities- what works, what’s not working in terms of our programming, how do we reach more people?    
Other Eric mentioned conversations at UMM with Tora Johnson and Stuart Swain around need for pathway for youth who are interested in engineering0 UMM offers an Engineering Bridging Program to UMaine program.


Eric mentioned the radio station on campus- is there a way that Extension might utilize to help bridge to community? Ideas- 4-H SPIN club, PSA announcing Extension programs, possible interviews, Extension program highlights.










Eric will look into possibility of promoting our annual meeting for this year through a PSA.

Meeting Adjourned  7:10pm.