WCEA Meeting Minutes – November 2021

WCEA meeting minutes 11/16/2021

Present: Eric Jones, Kyle Winslow, Bob Simpson, Jen Lobley, Ed Latham, Heidi Hinkley, Brittany Foster, Leslie Monroy, Marjorie Peronto

Approval of September meeting minutes – moved by Robert, seconded by Eric  , unanimously approved

Treasure’s Report:

Review of Balance sheet and Operating Statement

Approval – motioned by  Eric, seconded by Kyle, unanimously approved


Program Highlights:

Marjorie Peronto – Home Horticulture Program

Master Gardener Volunteers 

Virtual multi week program broken into manageable modules.

Even with online format, a cap of 25 people is helpful in providing services

Includes reading, video, reflection tools, with quizzes for self assessment

Included weekly video conferences with experts 

Advanced trainings planned for those that have completed initial training

Lunch and Learn Programs – Zoom meetings with specialists over lunch time

Winter Gardening Webinar Series 

6 webinar presentations 

Garden Mentorship Program

Matching master gardeners with beginning gardeners

Ways our committee could help the program:

  • We could help to promote information with the public to help encourage participation in the programs. 
  • Would like help recruiting people for the Master Gardener Volunteer program


Staff Reports:

Clarification on meaning of phenology

Spin club Covid limitation updates

Family Futures Downeast – What has been 4h involvement?

New learning center starting up in Bridgeton 


Orientation for new committee members: Moved to January meeting


Discussion of Non discrimination forms discussion: 

Is the form specific to University programs or staff? Comes from Federal level requiring collaborators to comply. Need to have documentation of staff agreement with the policy in case of audit.

Extension Association should not apply? Is considered a department by University

Non discrimination stated in our bylaws so is the form redundant? While it is great that we have this in our bylaws, it may not demonstrate everyone in agreement with the policy and completed forms would provide documentation. 


Update on space at UMM:

Meeting was had with some UMM staff to talk about 4H needs and it sounded like there were some possible areas, President’s House, Torry Hall, Sennett Hall

Did not seem to be rental costs

Setting up for some tours of the space options

Positive conversations



Kyle shared concerns about so many people reaching their 3 year limits at the same time in Extension Association positions so recruiting needs to keep possible replacements in mind.