Cultivating Resiliency Webinar for Women in Agriculture

Three events are brought to you by the Cultivating Resiliency collaboration.

Have a Happier New Year! – New Goals, Fresh Start

January 13, 2022 –  12:00 PM CT

Registration Link:

Join Doris Mold and Megan Roberts, Cultivating Resiliency Co-Leads for a goals-orientated approach to the new year. Whether looking forward to the upcoming year on your farm, your ranch, or at your ag-job, this webinar will take a positive approach to setting goals and writing down your plans. Do you find yourself saying yes to too much or becoming too focused on getting everything done, winding up stressed and over-booked? Doris and Megan will talk about including self-care in your goals, in addition to family, and farm/business/career goals. Doris and Megan bring a wealth of experience in the areas of cultivating resiliency, farm and ag business management, goal setting, planning, and saying YES too often.

Cultivating Resiliency Coffee Chat

January 21, 2022, 12:00 PM CT

Registration Link:

Times are challenging!  Grab your cup of coffee and join us for an opportunity to listen and share in our  Cultivating Resiliency free online “Coffee Chat” group. This is an opportunity to share what is on your mind related to agricultural stress in a safe place. Participants are anonymous (no cameras, no names) and may type in their questions or verbalize them, or just listen.   The session is limited to a maximum of  20 registrants and will last one hour. The session will not be recorded. Participants cannot see each other nor do they see each other’s names. About our facilitator: Dr. Brenda Mack is a behavioral health and human services consultant, trainer and presenter, and an Assistant Professor in the Social Work Department at Bemidji State University (BSU).  Brenda is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker through the Minnesota Board of Social Work. Brenda grew up on a farm and currently lives on a farm with her farming family. Brenda completed her Doctor of Social Work at the University of St. Thomas in the spring of 2020.


Exploring mental wellbeing for ourselves and our communities – What does it take to flourish?

February 9, 2022, 12:00 PM CT

Registration Link:

So many things influence our mental well-being – the threat of the pandemic as well as the isolation, loss, and trauma that can go along with it. How do these experiences affect individuals, families, and communities? Join us to explore our evolving understanding of “mental health”, current struggles that affect us globally and personally, and ways to promote self and collective care. Presenter Cari Michaels, MPH, is an Extension Educator at the University of Minnesota Center for Family Development. She works collaboratively with leaders across campus and community organizations to create educational tools, promote interdisciplinary collaboration and promote campus-community engagement. She is passionate about promoting individual, family, and community mental well-being