Assistive Technology Curriculum for Rural Youth
People with disabilities rely on assistive technology. Various tools, machinery, and other devices can provide vital assistance with work, mobility, and many other aspects of life. Would you like to have Maine AgrAbility come and talk to your students about assistive technology? In addition to increasing awareness, it may have direct impact for them, their families, or others in their communities.
Purdue University’s Breaking New Ground Resource Center, with financial support from NEC Foundation of America, has developed a three-lesson Assistive Technology Awareness/Education Program for Rural Youth.
- Lesson 1: Tools and Technologies in Agriculture
- Lesson 2: Principles of Assistive Technology
- Lesson 3: Disability Awareness
The curriculum kit is available for use (courtesy of the National AgrAbility Project). The kit includes a copy of The Toolbox CD, a printed teachers guide, three lesson plans with PowerPoint presentations, and a classroom poster on assistive technology. Contact Maine AgrAbility for more information.