7.24.20 It is time to begin monitoring for Spotted Wing Drosophila
The last two weeks have brought excellent weather conditions for growth of spotted wing Drosophila populations here in Maine. The increase in rainfall and humidity will likely lead to earlier captures of SWD compared with previous seasons. So far, traps at some mid-coast wild blueberry sites have already trapped SWD males and females. These sites are indicating that SWD activity is advanced compared to other years, with similar trends being observed across New England. The forecast across Maine this week is calling for more warm and humid conditions, with rain forecast in many areas.
Monitoring for SWD on your farm.
With great variation between sites and regions that grow wild blueberry here in Maine, monitoring for this pest on your own farm is the only way to be sure, if and when management might be necessary. Monitoring for both the adults and infestation in the fruit is recommended when ripe fruit is present. For guides on how to monitor for SWD on you farm, along with information about cultural control, action thresholds and chemical control please consult the 210-Spotted Wing Drosophila: Pest Biology and IPM Recommendations for Wild Blueberries on the Cooperative Extension: Maine Wild Blueberries website. An excellent How-To Trap SWD Video can be found on the Wild Blueberry Videos page of our UMaine Extension website.
If you have any SWD questions, please contact Dr. Philip Fanning.