Mummy berry report for May 7th

All fields with weather stations had conditions for a Monilinia infection period overnight from May 6th to May 7th.  The fog started in the evening from about 6:30 to 8:30pm and continued until morning.  I do have reports of cups still present in the Midcoast and Downeast so there is a good chance this weather produced an infection period in your field.

If you applied fungicides on or after  7 to 10 days before these infection periods (April 26 to 29th, your plants were probably protected during these last infection periods.

If you have applied fungicides before April 27, your plants may not be protected over this next period of rain from Wednesday to Saturday this week.  You may want to consider applying fungicide to protect your plants. Please avoid applying fungicides when bees are in the field.

Please tell me how your mummy berry plots are doing.