April 2021 4-H News
Cumberland County 4-H News
4-H Calendar
State 4-H News
4-H Club Happenings
Other UMaine Extension Cumberland County News
April 1st: Enrollments due for new 4-H members
April 9: Cumberland County Scholarships and Camperships due
April 16-18: Virtual Statewide Public Speaking Tournament
April 28 – May 1st: True Leaders in Service – Chicken to Kitchen – Chick Pick Up Days
April 28 – May 9: Tractor Supply Paper Clover Campaign, 100% of every $1 in clover sales benefits 4-H
In-Person Programming – Continue with Current Procedure
We were expecting to have updated guidance on in-person 4-H programming as of April 1st. That deadline has been extended indefinitely, pending new information from UMaine. At this time all meeting procedures are the same as they have been this winter: meetings must be pre-approved, 20 people or less, outdoor meetings only, face masks and proper social distancing must be followed.
Please review all of the Covid-19 meeting procedures at the link below. Training, and the meeting approval form can be found here as well: https://extension.umaine.edu/plugged-in/return/restarting-educational-programs/
Campership Applications Due April 9th
Campership applications will be due on Friday, April 09, 2021 by 4:30PM. Camperships are scholarships for youth to attend a summer camp of their choice. Applications are now available on the 4-H Camperships page. Please email completed applications to sara.conant@maine.edu.
The Maine 4-H Foundation has camp scholarships ranging from $100-$200 available for 4-H members to any one week of 4-H camp. Try one of our University of Maine 4-H Camp and Learning Centers at Blueberry Cove, Bryant Pond, Greenland Point, and Tanglewood. Scholarships are based on need and first come, first serve. https://extension.umaine.edu/4h/camps/
4-H Scholarship Applications Due April 9th
Cumberland County 4-H Scholarship applications are due Friday, April 9, 2021 at 4:30PM. If you need help applying for any of these scholarships or have questions, please call or email Sara at 781.6099, sara.conant@maine.edu. Please note that the application for the 4-H Leaders Association, Linda Clark/Margy Justice Memorial, and Susan P. Grover Memorial Scholarships are all the same, but the requirements for each are different. The Extension Homemaker’s Scholarship has a different application form. Applications should be emailed to sara.conant@maine.edu.
For more information and applications please visit the 4-H Scholarships page. A packet with scholarship applications and information was mailed mid-February to all seniors currently enrolled in Cumberland County 4-H.
Paul Merrill Memorial Fund – Applications Due May 1st
Paul E. Merrill 4-H Memorial Fund was established as a memorial to Paul E. Merrill who passed away April, 1982. Mr. Merrill firmly believed in the merits of the 4-H program and in the character-building qualities of learning to care for and raise livestock. This fund is a splendid way to carry on the beliefs of Mr. Merrill and in doing so, encourage youth to grow in character and ability as Mr. Merrill had done. It is designed to provide financial aid for projects to 4-H livestock clubs or 4-H members with livestock projects. The application deadline is May 1, 2021.
For more information and an application, please visit the Paul Merrill Memorial Fund page.
Virtual Volunteer Opportunity – VOCALiD 4-H Voice Drive
A virtual volunteering opportunity for anyone interested in science, technology, healthcare, medicine, or community service. VOCALiD and the human voicebank is an organization that provides custom voices to people who use augmentative and alternative communication devices. VOCALiD relies on volunteers of all ages and from all over the country and world, to record their voices as they read aloud from different short texts. They then use technology, (explained in this TED Talk), to use those recorded voices to create custom, regionally, and age appropriate voices for people who use assistive technology to communicate.
Recording your voice for the human voicebank is a great way to make a positive difference in someone’s life. The All Star Dairy 4-H club is leading this voice-drive, which runs until May 15th. They have set a goal of 3,500 sentences, and would be so grateful to anyone who would like to help them reach their goal! Any sentences recorded using the link below will go towards their 4-H voice-drive. More about the human voicebank can be found in the initiative pamphlet linked below, and step by step instructions for how to record your voice can be found in the voice banking guide below. Please contact 4-Her Fiona Larsson at fflarsson123@gmail.com with any questions.
To join the Voice Drive visit: https://portal.vocalid.ai/account
Voice Drive FAQ (PDF)
Voice Drive Guidelines (PDF)
Askable Adult Training for Volunteers through Vermont Extension
Youth in our communities need trustworthy and approachable adults now more than ever. Are you a parent, educator, or community member that works with or interacts with youth? Are you interested in learning how you can be more askable? The UVM Extension 4-H program is hosting the Askable Adult Training created by the Vermont Network. In this training you will hear perspectives from youth and how you can be more supportive and “askable”. Participants will enhance skills that will enable them to have strong, trusting, and affirming relationships, communicate more effectively, strengthen connections, and be a valuable resource for the young people in their lives. For more information and to register, click here.
Registration will be capped at 35 participants; participants must attend both sessions on May 18 & 20 from 11:30 am – 1 pm. For more information about the Askable Adult Campaign, go here: https://vtnetwork.org/askableadult/.
Maine Youth Action Network Virtual Leadership Conference – April 15 & 16 – FREE
Join young people from around the state – middle school, high school, and college-aged youth – for two days of workshops, skill-building, and connection!
This conference is designed by young people for young people and welcomes adult allies. The MYAN Youth Leadership Conference centers around discussions about youth leadership, restorative practices in schools, Black Lives Matter and anti-racism, adolescent mental health & wellness, climate change/environmental justice, body positivity, LGBTQIA+ supports and advocacy, social justice, college and work readiness, school climate (including student voice in education and/or bullying/harassment prevention), and issues that impact youth substance use rates.
Workshop Descriptions: https://www.myan.org/ylc-2021-workshop-descriptions-and-agenda/
Register Here: https://maineyouthactionnetwork.formstack.com/forms/ylc_registration
2021 4-H Member Cards Must Be Requested
4-H Member Cards will only be printed by request on an as needed basis due to limited staffing. Please note that while the Cumberland Fair does not accept Member Cards, some fairs (if held) do still use member cards for entrance passes, so please check with any fairs you will be planning to attend this year to see what their entrance requirements are.
If you or your club would like member and leader cards please email or call Sara, sara.conant@maine.edu, 207.781.6099 by April 1, to be on the list for a printed 4-H Member Card. If you do not signup you will not receive a member card but will still receive a Cumberland Fair pass if you plan to exhibit.
Citizenship Washington Focus 2021 & National 4-H Trips
No new information has been received about the format, dates, or number of youth able to attend this year’s Citizenship Washington Focus event or any of the other National 4-H Trips. As we receive information from the Maine 4-H Program about CWF we will pass along any event and application information.
JoAnn Fabric & 4-H Partnership
JOANN and 4-H are once again teaming up to collect donations at the register and offer special discounts for JOANN/4-H Rewards Card members. Visit any JOANN store between March 1 and April 30, 2021 to participate, or donate online. To receive a rewards card and get 15% off purchases visit www.joann.com/4-h/
JOANN will also be hosting a free, take home craft event on April 3, 11:00 – 2:00 in all stores. The kits will include LEGO DOTs and kids will be able to create a bunny and chick, and coloring pages.
4-H & Cooperative Extension Paid Internship Opportunities for Enrolled UMaine Students
Are you interested in an Internship this summer? Then check out UMaine’s Cooperative Extension Internship Program. We are offering opportunities to enhance your skills in Marketing, Education and Research. Want to learn more about 4-H, the science behind food, or just have the opportunity to put a 100+ year-old organization on your resume? Then UMaine’s Cooperative Extension Internships are for you! Please check out our website to learn more! https://extension.umaine.edu/about/internships/
State 4-H News April 2021
Exciting Upcoming Maine 4-H Virtual Teen Science Cafes
Maine 4-H Virtual Teen Science cafes will take place on Tuesdays, from 4:00 – 4:45 pm. Pre-registration is required, and registration links are online.
April 6 – Let’s Talk About Sharks – join Dr. Scarlett Tudor for a fascinating talk about shark feeding and social behaviors.
April 13 – Bogged Down with Dr. Erin McDonald – From wooden trackways to human remains (including hair and nails!), rare archaeological artifacts are often found preserved in the dark, wet bogs of Ireland. Come learn about the preservation powers of Ireland’s peatlands and the stories of the bog bodies found within them.
April 27 – Learn about Ocean Acidification’s Impact on Lobster with Dr. Heather Hamlin.
2021 4-H Public Speaking Tournament
The 2021 4-H Public Speaking Tournament will take place virtually over the weekend of April 17 – 18, 2021. If you are interested in participating in the Maine 4-H Public Speaking Program and need assistance in any way, please contact us to discuss your needs. We are committed to making 4-H programs accessible to all youth, regardless of internet or technology access.
Family, friends, and the general public who wish to support youth can join us for the Awards Ceremony! The Awards Ceremony will be streamed live via Facebook Live, YouTube, and Zoom on Sunday, April 18, 2021 at 4:00pm. We encourage you to invite anyone you’d like — there is no limit on attendees!
Questions about the Maine 4-H Public Speaking Program? Contact Sheila Norman, 207.942.7396.
Maine 4-H Dairy Quizbowl Tryouts
The Maine 4-H dairy quizbowl tryouts will be held virtually on April 24th at 11:00 am. This event will serve as the official tryout for the Maine 4-H Dairy Quizbowl Team. We do not know what the summer and fall look like for events and practice sessions, but those who make the team may have the opportunity to travel in-person or compete virtually at a regional competition.
Maine 4-H dairy quizbowl tryouts are open to all enrolled 4-H dairy members age 9-18. Youth will be divided into two age categories, Jr. ages 9-11, and Sr. ages 12-18. Registration is required for the event. All youth are required to register prior to April 17th. Practice sessions will be required for youth to learn the event software and test their internet connection. Register Online.
More information on the Maine 4-H dairy quizbowl tryout process and other 4-H dairy activities can be found online at https://extension.umaine.edu/4h/animal-science-resources/dairy/2021-maine-4-h-dairy-quizbowl/ . Questions about the event can be directed to Tara Marble at tara.marble@maine.edu or Sadee Mehuren at sadee.mehuren@maine.edu.
4-H Market Lamb Intent for Fryeburg Fair
Youth planning to participate in the Market Lamb program at Fryeburg Fair need to submit the 2021 Fryeburg Fair Market Lamb Intent form by May 17th. An online form is available, otherwise youth can print and mail a copy downloaded from the website.
Update Regarding Maine 4-H Days
The in-person event: Maine 4-H Days has been canceled for 2021. Information will be shared later in the spring about upcoming 4-H activities for the summer.
4-H Passport Around the World SPIN Club
Join Maine 4-H and Greenheart Exchange as we travel around the world virtually and meet other teens from across the globe! Meetings will include a brief presentation from a Greenheart Exchange Student, an activity, and Q & A. This SPIN Club is best for ages 12-18 and open to all youth. A minimal supply list will be provided for each activity. Dates are Saturdays April 24th Lebanon, May 8th Armenia, May 22nd Slovakia, from 9:30-10:30 AM and Thursdays, April 29th Moldova, May 13th Romania and 27th Czech Republic from 4:00-5:00 PM register online.
4-H Citizen Science Club
University of Maine Cooperative Extension 4-H will offer a citizen science club for grades 4–8 meeting weekly 3:30–4:30 p.m. from May 5–June 9.
This virtual 4-H citizen scientists club encourages youth to practice citizen science in their own backyard, with a variety of citizen science opportunities to consider, and report their observations while making connections with fellow citizen scientists in their community and around the state. Youth will need online access and the ability to take and share photos.
The club is free to join; enrollment is limited to 15 members. Register on the 4-H club webpage. For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact 207.581.8206 or sarah.sparks@maine.edu.
Club Happenings
Paws ‘N’ Pals

Paws ‘N’ Pals 4-H Dog Club has been meeting virtually throughout the winter. At our March meeting we had the first of two dog-themed craft nights. Club leader, Sara, created easy craft kits for all of the members to pickup and take home to join in virtually. We made bowties to go on our dog’s collars. See the tutorial here. At our April meeting we will be making salt dough pawprints & pom-pom puppies! Paws ‘N’ Pals has openings for members age 9+, with or without dogs. Contact Sara, sara.conant@maine.edu, for more info.
Your 4-H Club Happenings could be featured here! Just email sara.conant@maine.edu by the 25th of each month with information about your club meetings, events, or fundraisers. Pictures are always a plus!
Other UMaine Extension Cumberland County News
Farm Tractor Safety Course
Participants will learn how to handle tractors and equipment safely, how to identify hazards, and how to minimize the chances of accidents. The course is open to all adults and youth interested, but priority will be given to youth ages 14 to 16. This course is required for 14- and 15-year-olds who plan to operate farm equipment for hire on farms other than their own. A Federal Certificate of Training will be issued at the end of the course after successful completion of the written test and driving course and with attendance requirements met.
Applications to participate in the Farm Tractor Safety Course are due April 4, 2021 and may be found here: https://extension.umaine.edu/agriculture/tractor-safety/
UMaine Extension Cumberland County offers many different workshops throughout the year. To learn more about our workshop offerings please visit https://extension.umaine.edu/cumberland/upcoming-events/