Event Series:
Maker Monday
Maker Monday
February 24 @ 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
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One Monday afternoon each month, we will offer a themed hands-on activity for youth ages 5-12 that will include crafts or science. 5-8 year-olds must have an adult present for assistance and some projects encourage adult assistance for all ages. Current 4-H enrollment is not necessary for participation in the Maker Series program. Registration ends the Friday prior to each class or when full (maximum of 10).
MAKER MONDAY 2024-2025
Dates: The 4th Monday of the Month (Oct. 28, Nov. 25, Dec. 23, Jan. 17, Feb. 24, Mar. 24, Apr. 28)
Time: 4:30-5:30 PM
Ages: 5-10 year olds
Location: UMaine Extension Cumberland Office, 75 Clearwater Dr, Falmouth
Cost: FREE, Registration is required
Register for Maker Monday