Cumberland County Extension Homemakers Schedule of Educational Programs and Community Service Projects
- February 18: Cumberland County Extension Homemaker (CCEH) Winter Meeting
- Place: Gray Congregational Church
- Time: 9 AM Registration
- March 31: Campership & Scholarship, Raffle Basket $$ due to CCEH Treasurer, Sandra Kratzer
- April 25: Maine Extension Homemaker Council (MEHC) Spring Meeting
- Place: Morgan Hill Event Center, Hermon
- May 19: CCEH Spring Meeting
- Place: TBA
- Time: 9 AM registration
- September 25: Cumberland Fair Display Setup
- September/October TBA: MEHC Fall Meeting
- Place: TBA
- Time: 9 AM registration
- October 20: CCEH Fall Meeting
- Place: TBA
- Time: 9 AM registration
- Shelter Bags Collected
- October 31: Membership Dues, Membership Lists, Coins-for-Caring due to CCEH Treasurer, Sandra Kratzer
- November – January: Winter Break
For more information, please contact:
Cumberland County Extension Homemakers (CCEH)