Educational Demonstrations

Educational Demonstrations with Master Gardener Volunteers 

Bring your questions! Q&A sessions will follow each demonstration.

10:00 – 10:30 am: Success with Tomatoes

Growing tomatoes in Maine isn’t easy but Master Gardener Volunteer, Tom Witwicki, will demonstrate all the essential information for you to have a successful harvest of tomatoes this year. The demonstration will include selecting varieties for purpose, planting medium, bed preparation and fertilization. Planting techniques, pruning and trellising processes during the growing season, and disease management will also be covered. 

10:30 – 11:00 am: Planting and Dividing Tips for Perennials 

Master Gardener Volunteers, Priscilla Nicholson and Nicki Griffin, will present ideas and tips to help you divide, plant and maintain your perennials for a great blooming season. They will demonstrate various techniques with plants available at the sale! Priscilla and Nicki both have extensive perennial gardens and have been providing their expertise at the plant sale for years. 

11:00 – 11:30 am: Growing Great Blueberries

Join Master Gardener Volunteer, Joel Leak, for a demo on how to grow highbush blueberries. Joel will discuss how to plant, prune, and care for your blueberries, with an on-site planting and pruning demonstration. He’ll also discuss how to avoid blueberry pests and diseases and everything else you need to have these delicious and easy to grow fruit in your own yard.