Author: mmichaud

What’s happening to the lower branches of my blue spruce?

Question: We live in York, near the Harbor. We’ve been here four years from southern California. We are still learning about zone 6 plants and actual seasons. Our blue spruce, in the front yard looks like the lower branches, especially on the north side, are dying. Is this just the natural progression of the tree […]

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When is the right time to remove last fall’s leaves and plant remains?

Question: I left the leaves and remains of plants last fall to help overwinter the pollinators. I’m wondering when is the right time to remove them now? Answer: Marjorie Peronto, Extension Educator Great question.  I am making the same decision in my own gardens! The longer you can leave the plant materials in place, the […]

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What can I plant over a leach field?

Question: What can I plant over a leach field? There is a small hill ( about eight steps up) to the septic tank. There is also a slight dip downhill from the other side of the leach field. What is safe and okay to plant in these areas? Answer: Katherine Garland, Horticultural Professional This is […]

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What’s chewing branches and stripping foliage in our fenced-in backyard?

Question: I noticed something is chewing small branches from tall trees like the poplars, and stripping foliage off euonymus in our fenced-in backyard. Answer: Tori Lee Jackson, Extension Professor of Agriculture and Natural Resources I know you said you have a fence, but this sounds like deer damage to me. Deer fencing needs to be […]

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What is causing the rot-like damage on my apple tree?

Question: My Ashmead’s Kernel apple didn’t do well last year. It looks like it didn’t overwinter well. I was doing some spring clean up and noticed some rot-like damage. Do you have any idea what is going on or how I can help? Answer: Tori Lee Jackson, Extension Professor of Agriculture and Natural Resources It’s […]

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What is the best green manure for spring (and fall)?

Question: I have raised beds. What is the best green manure to put on the soil for the spring and then the fall? Clover? Rye? Answer: Tori Lee Jackson, Extension Professor of Agriculture and Natural Resources The cover crops and green manures you choose to improve your raised bed garden soil (and potentially break some […]

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What is gnawing the base of my cherry tree?

Question: I have noticed fresh holes at the base of what I am guessing is an ornamental cherry tree. I do not see any holes or issues up on the branches of the tree. It is a well-established tree, I am guessing 10+ years old as trunk diameter is fairly large even though the tree […]

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How can we make our wild blueberry patch weed free and healthy?

Question: We live on Little Deer Isle and are writing with a question about growing Maine wild blueberries. We have a patch approximately 15’x40′ that we had transplanted two years ago. We have added peat moss and sulphur, but the plants are not thriving. The patch abuts a field. We are having a dreadful time […]

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