Fruit Trees and Small Fruits

What are these bruise-like markings on my apples?

Question: Last summer my apple trees produced lots of fruit, but after a cold spell, had lots of bruise like markings. I am wondering what I can do to prevent it in the future. Answer: Liz Stanley, Horticulture Community Education Assistant, Knox-Lincoln Counties Thank you for your question about bruise-like markings on your apple. Without […]

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Why are the leaves curling on my Honeycrisp apple tree?

Question: I planted a Honeycrisp apple tree last summer and the leaves curled about a month later. It’s in a southeast open location and gets plenty of sun and water. The soil is sandy with rocks about a foot below and the ground slopes slightly. I want to know if the rocks below could be […]

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Do you know of any good pollinator trees that are native to Maine?

Question: Do you know of any good pollinator trees that are native to Maine that I could use in coastal Cumberland County? Answer: Majorie Peronto, Extension Educator, Hancock County Thank you for your great question! In his book Bringing Nature Home, University of Delaware Entomologist and Professor Douglas Tallamy shares his research on native trees […]

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What apple varieties do recommend for Zone 5?

Question: We just bought a place in Sweden, Maine, zone 5a, with Adams type soil/outwash sand and I’m looking to plant a few apple trees. What varieties of apple would you recommend? It’s not an exposed site; fairly sheltered from wind. We will be clearing an area for the trees. Answer: We have a lot […]

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Is there a guide for growing peach trees in Maine?

Question: I am growing peach trees here in Wiscasset, Maine. I have never grown them and I am learning the hard way. Is there a guide book or publication of what to do and when? Answer: They can be a challenge, but many home orchardists find the effort worthwhile. We have a good amount of […]

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How do I prep my strawberry bed for winter?

Question: How do I prep my strawberry bed for winter? Answer: Much depends on whether you have June bearing strawberries or day neutral strawberries, and how old the planting is. Generally speaking, mulch should be applied over strawberries in the late fall between Thanksgiving and Christmas to protect the plants from extreme winter cold and […]

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