
Are felt planters safe to grow vegetables in?

Question: I’m working on a container garden this year. I’ve done some research on what to plant in, and I’ve learned about food safe containers. I was speaking with someone recently about my tiny garden, and they mentioned that they’d had luck with felt planters. I am wondering it would be safe to plant vegetables […]

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Does it matter when potatoes are planted?

Question: Does it matter when potatoes are planted if planted at least 90 days before the first frost? Answer: Abi Griffith, Horticulture Community Education Assistant You could probably get away with planting about 90 days before your first frost, but there are a few things you may want to take into consideration.  Check the “days […]

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What are some growing recommendations for growing luffas?

Question: I am looking to grow luffas this year and I was wondering what sort of soil medium they should be planted in. I have some experience with mixing in my own additives for indoor plants but, I usually just go with a garden mix from a bag for my herbs, flowers, and vegetables. I […]

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Is it safe to water vegetables in well water that contains arsenic?

Question: I have arsenic in my well water.  Is it safe to eat vegetables that were grown in that environment, watered with well water containing arsenic? Answer: Marjorie Peronto, Extension Educator I assume that you’ve had your water tested and know the concentration level of arsenic.  As you will see in these two fact sheets, it is considered […]

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What are the recommendations for garlic that was planted late?

Question: My question is about garlic, and I’m late in asking it! For various reasons, I planted some garlic very late this year – maybe in early June. The crop did not reach maturity this past growing season; no scapes emerged, and the bulbs were larger but still single. I’ve had this garlic for close to 10 […]

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What’s the best way to store onions?

Question: My onions have been hanging in the shed but now it’s getting cold and I’m afraid they will freeze. Last year when I brought them in they all got condensation inside the skins and eventually rotted. (This had never happened before,) what to do now? I don’t have a really cool area in the […]

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Should asparagus plants be cut back in the fall?

Question: Should asparagus plants be cut back in the fall after they’ve turned yellow? I read that they should be cut just under the top of the soil, but wanted to confirm this information. Answer: Lynne M. Holland, Horticulture and Social Media Professional  Once the asparagus tops have yellowed their work is done for the […]

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What’s the best way to keep slugs from devouring my bush beans?

Question: I want to plant bush beans. Last year they got devoured by slugs. What is the best way to limit or stop the slugs? Answer: Brian Erickson, Sustainable Agriculture Professional/Professional I We have a few great resources when it comes to dealing with slugs. Home and Garden IPM from Cooperative Extension, Slugs and Snails […]

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