Maine Home Garden News

What are the best plants to prevent and stop erosion on a steep river bank?

Question: What are the best plants to prevent and stop erosion on a steep river bank? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Community Education Assistant Erosion is a major environmental, structural, and ornamental problem, and we salute your efforts to mitigate it on your riverbank! In general, you’re seeking two things in preventing erosion: 1) canopy cover to […]

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Did pruning lavender plants cause them to die or go dormant?

Question: We are seeking assistance with our lavender plants. They were planted three years ago and all was well until this year. In the spring, we pruned them down to the woody section and with the exception of one plant, there were no blooms. It’s uncertain whether they’re dormant or dead at this point.  Answer: […]

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What is the best time to plant zucchini and summer squash?

Question: What is the best time to plant zucchini and summer squash? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Community Education Assistant We recommend planting zucchini and summer squash from late May to early July, depending on the season’s temperatures and rainfall. It’s a warm season crop, so it needs warm air, warm soil, and no chance of frost. You […]

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 Can Brunnera be grown indoors in planters?

Question:  Can Brunnera be grown indoors in planters? Winter’s dormant phase? Any particular cultivars that are better indoors? Answer: Liz Stanley, Horticulture Community Education Assistant Brunnera is a spring and early summer blooming perennial native to Siberia and the eastern Mediterranean. Plants that grow in northern climates require a dormant cold period in their life […]

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What is the best way to deal with voles that are getting into your crops?

Question: I think voles are undermining my high bush blueberries. We had problems with them earlier in the spring in our greenhouse, and now there are soft indentations on the lawn around my blueberries. Production this year was way off, compared to previous years. How can I deal with the voles? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Community […]

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How do you treat Hemlocks with an infestation of Woolly Adelgid?

Question: How do you treat Hemlocks with an infestation of Woolly Adelgid? These hemlocks are within 50 feet of two drilled wells. Answer: Donna R. Coffin, Extension Professor First you need to be sure you are dealing with the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid. There are some look alikes. Once you are sure you have HWA if you […]

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Why is my cherry tree drooping and losing it’s leaves?

Question: I planted a cherry tree last year. It looked great after planting and in the spring this year. I pruned all branches this spring. It was looking great even after pruning and was growing very fast with a large amount of leaves. About month and half ago, it starting to look very droopy and […]

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What are some recommendations for native perennials and flowering bushes for privacy?

Question: I would like some recommendations on flowering bushes for deck privacy and also perennial flowers for plots.  Previously theses plots have been planted with non local plants. Answer: Jonathan Foster, Community Education Assistant We appreciate and approve of your interest in native plants! The Extension maintains several bulletin resources on Maine plants that can give […]

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Will astilbe thrive under my Norway Maple at the outer edges where I can dig?

Question: Will astilbe thrive under my Norway Maple at the outer edges where I can dig ? I’d like to place them between hostas that are thriving. Answer: Jonathan Foster, Community Education Assistant It sounds like you are at least somewhat familiar with the challenges of growing other plants beneath Norway Maples. The trees send […]

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