Maine Home Garden News

Food scraps on compost pile

Episode 10: Preparing Your Garden for Winter

In this episode of Victory Garden for ME, learn about how to build and manage a compost pile, sheet mulching techniques to establish new garden beds, planting a fall cover crop or mulching your garden to prevent soil erosion, reconditioning your garden tools at the end of the season, and more! Helpful Tips and Resources: […]

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What apple varieties do recommend for Zone 5?

Question: We just bought a place in Sweden, Maine, zone 5a, with Adams type soil/outwash sand and I’m looking to plant a few apple trees. What varieties of apple would you recommend? It’s not an exposed site; fairly sheltered from wind. We will be clearing an area for the trees. Answer: We have a lot […]

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Raised bed at Rogers Farm Demonstration Garden

Episode 9: Pain-Free Gardening

In this episode of Victory Garden for ME, learn about how to plan your day in the garden, proper stretching and lifting techniques, selecting ergonomic tools, adapting existing tools to improve their ergonomics, designing your garden to match your abilities, and much more! Helpful Tips and Resources: The Maine AgrAbility Project pages and The Maine […]

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Can beneficial nematodes help control Japanese beetles?

Question: I have read that beneficial nematodes may be helpful in controlling a Japanese beetle infestation that is attacking my vegetables, flowers, and shrubs. If so, what kind should I be looking for? Where can I get them? How are they applied? Answer: Here’s information from Maine’s YardScaping Program, including links to a nematode fact […]

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Maine Home Garden News — August 2020

In This Issue: August Is the Month to . . . Gardener Profile: Carol and Vinal Smith Lead in Maine’s Soil Sphex pensylvanicus: The Great Black Wasp The Buzz of Bees Covid-19 Information for Farmers’ Market Shoppers Bees of Maine: Family Colletidae A Review of The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben (2016) Gardener […]

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canned cucumber pickles

Episode 8: What to Do With Your Harvest

In this edition of Victory Garden for ME, learn about best practices for preserving your fresh produce, how to process high and low-acid foods, simple and low-tech preservation techniques, root cellaring, putting your gardens to bed in the fall, and much more! Helpful Tips and Resources: Throughout the season keep these Five Steps to Food […]

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How often should I water my vegetable garden?

Question: We live in South Portland and there is a drought at the moment. How often should we water our vegetable garden? Answer: Ideally, 1.25 to 1.5 inches of rain per week is enough for most gardens. A rain gauge can help you decide when to water. It’s good to get water down to 5-6 […]

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Leaf spots on tomato plant

Episode 7: What’s Wrong With My Plant?

In this edition of Victory Garden for ME, learn about cultural practices to prevent diseases in your garden, how to diagnose a disease problem, common vegetable diseases, how and when to submit sample to our Plant Diagnostic Lab, and much more! Helpful Tips and Resources: The first, best, place to get answers to your gardening […]

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