April 2022 4-H Newsletter

4-H Happenings

A monthly newsletter for Hancock County 4-H Members

Table of Contents

Upcoming Dates| County News | Club News | State News | Leaders Meeting Minutes

Upcoming Dates to Remember


April 1 – 4-H Leaders Association Scholarship – Deadline Extended
April 8 – Extension Homemakers Scholarship Applications Deadline
April 9 –  State 4-H Public Speaking Tournament in Orono (Best of Luck to Hancock County 4-H’er Nayeli!)
April 12 – 4:30 pm – Leaders’ Meeting (hybrid)
April 18 – Extension Office Closed for Patriot’s Day
April 28 – May 10 – Paper Clover Campaign at Tractor Supply

County News

Leaders’ Meeting – The next Leaders’ Association meeting will be in person and by Zoom on April 12, at 4:30 pm. Email carla.scocchi@maine.edu for the private link.

We’re Hiring! Hancock County Cooperative Extension is hiring two positions in support of the 4-H program: Administrative Specialist and Community Education Assistant. Please help us share these opportunities broadly!

SAVE THE DATE for 4-H June Jamboree – We are beyond excited to once again host 4-H June Jamboree (in person!) on the Blue Hill Fairgrounds over the weekend of June 17-19, 2022. Save the date and keep an eye out for more details in future newsletters!

4-H June Jamboree is an annual event hosted by Hancock County 4-H. It is open to ALL 4-H members, friends, and family in Hancock and neighboring counties. June Jamboree features a weekend of hands-on workshops covering topics such as: science, art, crafts, physical activity, nutrition, animals, demonstrations, and animal project clinics. Fun for the entire family, all ages welcome!

We are currently looking for volunteers to help teach workshops at June Jamboree – do you have an idea? Skill to share? Let us know!

4-H Photo Contest – Are you an avid photographer? New to the hobby? No matter what skill level, we encourage you to get out and practice your photography skills.  Entries submitted to the 4-H Photo Contest will be judged and the highest scorers will receive a cash prize.

The 2022 Photo Contest deadline is August 1, 2022. For contest rules & guidelines, and to see past entries, visit our web page.

4-H Style Revue – The 4-H Style Revue Planning Committee has decided to postpone this annual sewing contest until after the Blue Hill Fair. It will most likely be held at Cloverfest in October – stay tuned for details!

4-H College Scholarships – The 4-H Leaders Association has extended its deadline for college scholarships. If you are a senior planning to attend college, apply now! Recipients must complete an application, submit all required paperwork, and meet merit-based criteria in order to be eligible for a scholarship, which may vary in amount up to $600. Download an application and submit it to the Extension Office this month. The deadline has passed for submissions.

4-H Pride Parade Planning Committee – A group of 4-H volunteers, youth, and staff are planning a 4-H Pride Parade entry this June for Portland Pride 2022 (or Bangor if the Portland parade does not happen). There are eight members of the planning committee, and we are hoping to include 1-2 more 4-H volunteers, parents or youth in the planning group and we need your help to get the word out. The committee hopes to have a group of 20-25 people walk in the 2022 parade. Committee members do not have to be members of the LGBTQ+ community – everyone who is an ally is more than welcome! The purpose of a 4-H entry in the Pride Parade is to show 4-H support to equality for all Maine youth and adults. The next zoom planning meeting is April 7.  The time commitment would be approximately 2-3 hours per month for April, May, and June, and then a 1/2 day commitment to be part of the parade (although participating in the parade is not required to help with the planning committee). Contact Mitch Mason for more information.

Wildlife Workshop with 4-H – Come for a full day of activities dedicated to learning more about wildlife and habitat management. Are you interested in learning more about wild animals and the places they call home? Do you want to feel and examine an otter’s pelt or hold a bear skull in your hands? Then you should sign up for the Junior (9-12 year old) Workshop! Do you want to delve deeper into ecology and food webs? Are you interested in exploring wildlife and habitat management as a career? Then sign up for our Teen (13+) Workshop! Both age groups will have the chance to participate in hands-on activities and learn from wildlife experts with the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.

When: 4/19 and 4/22 (identical workshops, held twice), 9am – 4pm
Where: 4/19 at 4-H Camp and Learning Center at Tanglewood in Lincolnville 4/22 at the Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine in Augusta
Who: Youth ages 9-18
Spaces are limited. Please be sure you can commit to attending before signing up.

Paper Clover Campaign – April 27 – May 8 at Tractor Supply Company – Each Spring and Fall, Tractor Supply helps raise money for 4-H programs with the Paper Clover campaign where customers donate $1 to 4-H at the register. The funds are used for scholarships for camps and leadership events.  Help support 4-H by:
1) Donating in the store
2) Donating online at checkout when you make a purchase

USDA Farm Service Agency, Youth Loans – An FSA Youth Loan can provide up to $5,000 to help youths between the ages of 10 and 20 finance small agricultural-related and income-producing projects.  The project being financed with an FSA Youth Loan needs to provide an opportunity for the young person to acquire experience and education in agriculture-related skills.

The Youth Loan application requires a recommendation from a project advisor who verifies that he/she will sponsor the loan applicant, has the correct training and experience to supervise their project, and is available to help whenever needed.  We typically find this pairs well with 4-H and FFA groups.  Young people applying for a Youth Loan are personally responsible for repaying the loan.  A co-signer is required only if the project shows possible difficulty in repaying the loan or does not meet security requirements.

An FSA Youth Loan can help teach how to:

  • develop a business plan
  • develop entrepreneurial skills
  • establish financial and production records
  • demonstrate an ability to follow through on a project by repaying the loan.

For more information, contact our Penobscot/Hancock County FSA Office located at 1423 Broadway, Bangor, ME 04401, (207) 947-3555 ext. 2.

New 4-H Volunteer – Welcome to Jo Ann Joray as our newest 4-H Volunteer! Jo Ann is hoping to start a Livestock Club this year in the Bucksport area. Contact us if you are interested in learning more.

Club News

Horse & Rider 4-H Club – We are “back in the swing”!  We are meeting twice a month and keeping very busy at those meetings! Of course, barn chores, working on ground skills with the horses and working a little at each meeting on “A Horse of My Own Project” seems to make our meeting time go way too quickly. Some of the club members are also taking their written and riding skills tests! Aliza has just completed the Level I Horsemanship course, where she was tested in several skills having to do with proper horse care, saddling and bridling and designing her own riding skills course. She finished with flying colors and will receive her medal for this level soon! We are hoping for a couple of field trips this spring as soon as it decides to stop snowing 😊 Submitted by Heather Linnehan, Club Leader

Jolly Juniors – We finally get to have 4-H!  Covid, basketball, and cheering made it hard to get started, but we are meeting, working on projects, and doing activities.  The only thing we did in the fall was support the local Turkey Shoots by providing refreshments.  In December we went as a group to support Wreaths Across America.  It was wicked cold!

We had family ice fishing days on Molasses and the only thing we caught were blisters because of ice skating.  Ice fishing is fun but so is ice skating, roasting hot dogs, and s’mores!  We celebrated the end of last year by getting back our fair projects along with fair premiums and steer ticket money.  Our club sold the most steer tickets in the county -over 1800!!  Cassidee and Addison C. were the top sellers in the county!!

Since March, we’ve provided refreshments at the Waltham Town Meeting, we have started our cloverbud sewing projects and year one finished their pillow case!  Some of the Jolly Juniors baked cupcakes from scratch and then decorated them for St. Patrick’s Day.  Club leader Joannie Jodrey has started a cooking unit and the first group has had a blast making homemade pizza & chicken casserole.  The members in the cooking project will be making a recipe box for a woodworking project so they will be writing out recipe cards and may even finish a project record.

Jolly Juniors 4-H is b-a-c-k!!

Club Reporters Addison C. & Olivia D.


State News

  1. 4-H For All: Spring 2022
    The purpose of this virtual club is to provide new and potential members and their families a place to learn about 4-H; and to connect youth across the state. Youth will choose a project to complete and learn more about 4-H and how to become involved. We want you to join and engage in our 4-H program! There is no cost, and meetings will help challenge you to create new goals and discover new passions. Open to youth 5-13, dates will be March 24, April 28, May 26 at 10am. Register at: umaine.edu/4h/4-h-for-all-club.
  2. The Maine App Challenge
    Love technology? Here is a chance to put your passion to a purpose and win a scholarship along the way! The Maine App Challenge is an incredible opportunity for Maine middle school and high school students who are 13 years of age and older to create a mobile application with a chance to win a scholarship and other valuable rewards. A series ofinnovation workshops from the University of Maine Foster Center for Innovation will help you get started! There are three scholarships available for the top mobile apps: $6,000 for first place, $3,000 for second place, and $1,000 for third place.Other awards include: $500 to the high school with the highest participation, Tablets to the first 50 completed submissions, a guaranteed internship interview for the top 10 submissions following his/her college sophomore year.  Visit the Tyler Technology Maine App Challenge website for more information; the deadline for submissions is May 15th.
  3. Maine 4-H Virtual Learning Hub
    Maine 4-H VirtualLearning is a hands-on, virtual learning program for youth ages 5-18. Workshops will be organized by age and topic. Topics include engineering, science, animals and agriculture, teen leadership, and more.Workshops will range from single-time events to short-term programs (typically four to six sessions). Participants will engage in hands-on activities, interact with other 4-Hers, and be positive adult role models.No prior experience with 4-H is required to participate. This is a great way for those who are interested to learn more about 4-H.

  4. ESE Approval Form Reminder
    All 4-H members intending to exhibit a horse or dairy animal at Eastern States Exposition this fall must submit their 4-H animal approval form, as well as their accompanying lease forms and health documents, to their county Cooperative Extension office by May 1st. Copies of 4-H approval and lease forms can be found online at https://extension.umaine.edu/4h/forms. Please contact your county office with any questions.
  5. EFNEP Recipe of the Month: Egg Bites!
    The sound of songbirds, crocuses poking their heads out of the snow, vacation week, new calves, and lambs in the fields were all signs for me as a child to celebrate the beginning of Spring. It got me thinking of celebrating the beginning of the day and an EGGcellent recipe for breakfast, or anytime! Eggs are a great affordable source of protein. In this Egg Bites Recipe, you can easily change up the optional add-in ingredients to fit your taste or mood! Check out this and many other great recipes in our Maine Dish Recipe Video Series.  By Debbie Barnett (EFNEP CEA in Kennebec, Knox, Lincoln, and Waldo counties – barnett@maine.edu)

    Expanded Food & Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)
    offers FREE nutrition education classes to income-eligible adults with children, or young adults 19-25 years old, and if you are eligible for programs such as SNAP, WIC, or Head Start. Find out more online.
  6. 2022 Intent Form for Maine 4-H ESE Equestrian Team Now Available
    The 2022 Maine 4-H ESE Equestrian Team Tryouts intent to participate form is available online at https://extension.umaine.edu/4h/horse/. In order to be eligible for participation, 4-H members must submit their intent forms by May 1st. Forms can be completed online or a hard copy of the form can be mailed to the Franklin County Cooperative Extension office. For more information or for questions, please contact Tara Marble at marble@maine.eduor 207.778.4650.
  7. Maine 4-H Offers Agriculture Symposium for Teens
    You are invited to join Maine 4-H staff for the 4-H Agriculture Symposium, an immersive agriculture experience for Maine teens. The 4-H Agriculture Symposium is an overnight experience for Maine youth ages 14-18. Participants will take part in hands-on learning opportunities, engage with industry professionals on UMaine Orono and UMaine Augusta-Bangor campuses, develop leadership skills, and make friendships with teens from around the state. Current 4-H membership is not required. Assistance with transportation can be provided upon request.The program is free and registration is required. Register on the program webpage. Current CDC and University of Maine health guidelines will be followed for all in-person events.For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact Alisha Targonski at 207.622.7546; 4hagleadership@maine.edu.  This program is made possible with generous support from the Alton ’38 and Adelaide Hamm Campus Activity Fund.
  8. Maine 4-H Dairy Judging Tryouts Scheduled for April
    The 2022 Maine 4-H Dairy Judging Contest will be held on April 23rd at Juniper Farms in Gray, ME, and Pineland Farms in New Gloucester, ME. The event is open to all enrolled 4-H dairy members and will serve as the official tryouts for the 2022 Maine 4-H Eastern States Dairy Judging Team. Visit  https://extension.umaine.edu/4h/judging/for a complete schedule, contest rules, and directions to the farms. For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation please contact Sadee Mehuren at mehuren@maine.edu or 207.342.5971.
  9. Wildlife Workshop with WHEP and 4-H
    Come for a full day of activities dedicated to learning about Maine wildlife and habitat management. Are you interested in learning about wild animals and the places they call home? Do you want to feel and examine an otter’s pelt or hold a bear skull in your hands? Then you should sign up for the Junior (9-12-year-old) Workshop! Do you want to delve deeper into ecology and food webs? Are you interested in exploring wildlife and habitat management as a career? Then sign up for our Teen (13+) Workshop! Both age groups will have the chance to participate in hands-on activities and learn from wildlife experts with the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.There are two opportunities to participate:

    • April 19th 9am-4pm at the 4-H Camp and Learning Center at Tanglewood, in Lincolnville
    • April 22nd 9am-4pm at the Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine in Augusta

The workshops will be identical, so you only need to sign up for one! More information about the day will be emailed to you as the day of the event approaches.

Spaces are limited. Please be sure you can commit to attending before signing up.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Erin McDonald at erin.mcdonald1@maine.edu or 207-324-2814.

Leaders Meeting Minutes

Hancock County 4-H Leaders Meeting of March 8th, 2022

–Online meeting–

Present- Lisa Carney, Joanie Jodrey, Lee Sargent, Terry Swazey, Brenda Jordan, and office staff Carla Scocchi. (5)

Treasurer’s Report- received a thank you letter from Sherri about funds for attending the Pine Tree Summit. Terry received a donation in Dwight’s name for $100 from the Carter family. 

Secretaries Report- 

Old Business:

  • Office- UMaine will review COVID guidelines March 20th, there may be more guidance on masking at that time. The office should have an update by the end of the month.
  • Steer-  the steer has been purchased and all of the hay and grain has been donated or purchased.

New Business:

  • Need a theme for this year.
  • Style Review- Brenda and Joannie will try to organize one. Need to pick a date; maybe in the fall? @ Cloverfest again? Have the summer for sewing. Hold at Cave Hill School.
  • Jamboree- have the fairgrounds for the whole weekend of June 17-19th. Sunday is Fathers’ day, usually horse, dog and goat. Livestock could come Friday, then only run classes on Saturday and go home. Perhaps have an Eatwell program at Jamboree. Next Jamboree meeting will be Wednesday, March 16th at 4:30.
  • Photography Contest- Sue sent out a notice last month, but Carla will put it in the April newsletter as well.

Adjourned at 5:48 pm

Respectfully submitted by Lisa Carney, Secretary