May 2022 4-H Newsletter
4-H Happenings
A monthly newsletter for Hancock County 4-H Members
Table of Contents
Upcoming Dates| County News | Club News | State News | Leaders Meeting Minutes
Upcoming Dates to Remember
April 2 – May 8 – Paper Clover Campaign at Tractor Supply Company
May 10 – 4:30 pm – Leaders’ Meeting (Hybrid)
May 28 – 4-H Summer Learning Series Registration Opens – See State News
June 17-18 – Hancock County 4-H June Jamboree – Save the date!
June 30 – Animal Approval Forms Due in the Extension Office
County News
Leaders’ Meeting – The next Leaders’ Association meeting will be in person and by Zoom on May 10, at 4:30 pm. Email carla.scocchi@maine.edu for the private link.
We’re Hiring! Hancock County Cooperative Extension is hiring two positions in support of the 4-H program: Administrative Specialist and Community Education Assistant. Please help us share these opportunities broadly!
SAVE THE DATE for 4-H June Jamboree – We are beyond excited to once again host 4-H June Jamboree (in person!) on the Blue Hill Fairgrounds over the weekend of June 17-19, 2022. Registration will open in early June and you will receive an email notification when it goes live!
4-H June Jamboree is an annual event hosted by Hancock County 4-H. It is open to ALL 4-H members, friends, and family in Hancock and neighboring counties. June Jamboree features a weekend of hands-on workshops covering topics such as: science, art, crafts, physical activity, nutrition, animals, demonstrations, and animal project clinics. Fun for the entire family, all ages welcome!
We are currently looking for volunteers to help teach workshops at June Jamboree – do you have an idea? Skill to share? Let us know!
Public Speaking Tournament Winners – Congratulations to Nayeli M. for receiving a Blue Ribbon at the State 4-H Public Speaking Tournament for her illustrated talk, “How to be a Youth Activist”. Your Hancock County 4-H Family is proud of you, Nayeli!
Paper Clover Campaign – April 27 – May 8 at Tractor Supply Company – Each Spring and Fall, Tractor Supply helps raise money for 4-H programs with the Paper Clover campaign where customers donate $1 to 4-H at the register. The funds are used for scholarships for camps and leadership events. Help support 4-H by:
1) Donating in the store
2) Donating online at checkout when you make a purchase
Animal Approval Forms – For youth planning to show livestock in any 4-H shows this year, Animal Approval Forms (PDF) are due by June 30. You can submit your form in multiple ways:
• Mail them to the Extension Office
• Scan & email a copy to carla.scocchi@maine.edu
• Take a photo with your phone and email carla.scocchi@maine.edu
*Remember to visit the Animal Science Project webpage for important dates, forms, deadlines, etc.
4-H Photo Contest – Are you an avid photographer? New to the hobby? No matter what skill level, we encourage you to get out and practice your photography skills. Entries submitted to the 4-H Photo Contest will be judged and the highest scorers will receive a cash prize.
The 2022 Photo Contest deadline is August 1, 2022. For contest rules & guidelines, and to see past entries, visit our web page.
New 4-H Volunteer – Welcome to Andrea M., a new Independent 4-H Volunteer and long-time 4-H Mom!
Club News

Lock, Stock and Barrel – Lock, Stock and Barrel 4-H club is finishing up their year. They started in the fall, outdoors, with an introduction to Wildlife discipline. When the weather turned cold, they masked up and had an 8-week course of archery. After a break, the youth learned how to repair arrows. In the photo, Chris Kravitt, 4-H Project Leader, is working with youth on that project. The club will start back up in September after Labor Day. Submitted by Becky A., 4-H Leader
Horse of Course – Before our April meeting, the Horse of Course club did an hour’s worth of roadside cleanup. Then we learned about different horse face and leg markings. We looked up photos of different face markings on the computer and they had to identify what they were. Then did the same thing with leg markings. I had them all pick a breed they would like to learn more about so we could look at them on the computer. The choices were Clydesdales, Morgans and Belgians. They found out their weight, height, and a bit of history about each one. All 3 members were outside Tradewinds with me on Saturday, April 9th selling raffle tickets for a fundraiser to benefit BRER. (The Bagaduce River Equine Rescue in Brooksville) Over April vacation we had a bake sale outside The Galley in Deer Isle to raise money to purchase club t-shirts and sweatshirts from Maine Camp Outfitters in Sunset. After the bake sale, we stopped at BRER to visit all the horses and donkeys. We groomed a Morgan mare named Lark. Submitted by Elaine G., 4-H Leader
Jolly Juniors – Jolly Juniors had a busy March and April by completing some projects and participating in a community service activity. First, they made ice fishing traps with Jeremy and Jessica M. and tied blankets to enter into the Blue Hill Fair. For a community service activity, they did a roadside cleanup in Waltham and collected about 20-30 bags of trash. Every Monday after school we have a cooking class with Joannie. They have made homemade pizza, lasagna, chicken casseroles, and cream puffs. We are having a lot of fun cooking! We made our annual May Baskets and some of the cloverbuds delivered them to friends and family.
The Cloverbuds have all completed their sewing first project thanks to Norma H. and her sewing helpers. Half of the cloverbuds made English muffin pizzas and played Pie Face which was a lot of fun.
We are working on our community calendar fundraiser and planning for summer fun.
Submitted by Club Reporters, Kaydence M. and Abby D.
State News
- 4-H Summer Learning Series
After an incredibly successful 4-H Summer Learning Series over the past two years, Maine 4-H will once again offer virtual experiential learning workshops and clubs to youth ages 5-18 from July 5 – August 5, 2022. Planning is still taking place, but topics in previous years have ranged from engineering, art, science, animals & agriculture, food & nutrition, teen leadership, and more.Early registration will be available to enrolled 4-H’ers on Friday, June 3, 2022 and will open to the public the following Monday, June 6. Help us spread the word to your friends and communities – enrollment in 4-H is not required to participate, this event is open to all! For more information, visit the 4-H Summer Learning Series - Fryeburg Market LambIntent Forms- Deadline Change
Youth planning to participate in the market lamb program at Fryeburg Fair need to submit a 2022 Fryeburg Fair Market Lamb Intent to Sell form by June 10th. An online form, as well as a pdf form, can be found here. The lamb’s tag number and bill of sale must accompany the intent form. Market lambs must be owned and in the possession of the 4-H member by June 1, 2022. Please contact your local Cooperative Extension office with any questions or to obtain a printed copy of the form. - Adulting 101: 4-H Virtual Club
Are you a teen worried about impending adulthood? Do you want to know how to find answers to your questions about money, jobs, and roommates? Consider joining the Adulting 101 SPIN Club! Over the course of six meetings, we will learn some basic adult skills, including how to manage stress, interview for a job, and take advantage of existing resources in your community. Each week will cover a different topic: life/work balance and stress management; saving, spending, and credit; nutrition on a budget; resumes and interviews; rent and roommates; and a topic chosen by the participants! Access to a computer is required for participants, a smartphone won’t be sufficient.Youth ages 13 – 18 need to register by June 6, 2022, for this club which will meet via Zoom on Wednesdays June 22 – July 27 from 4:00 – 5:30 pm. - 4-H For All: Spring 2022
The purpose of this virtual club is to provide new and potential members and their families a place to learn about 4-H, and to connect youth across the state. Youth will choose a project to complete and learn more about 4-H and how to become involved. We want you to join and engage in our 4-H program! There is no cost, and meetings will help challenge you to create new goals and discover new passions. Open to youth 5-13, the last meeting will be held May 26 at 10 am. Register here. - Maine 4-H Foundation Summer Camp Scholarships
The Maine 4-H Foundation has a limited number of scholarships for 4-H members for Blueberry Cove, Bryant Pond, Greenland Point, and Tanglewood. These scholarships are applied by the camp when you register and pay the deposit for camp. Scholarships are available from $50 to $200 depending on the camp expenses and needs. - Summer Camp Opportunities
Visit the Summer University Youth Programs’ Youth Summer Camps page to learn about a huge variety of camp experiences available to youth. From our traditional 4-H Camp and Learning Centers to camps that focus on Academics, Art, Music, or Sports – there is something for everyone. - The Maine App Challenge
Love technology? Here is a chance to put your passion to a purpose and win a scholarship along the way! The Maine App Challenge is an incredible opportunity for Maine middle school and high school students who are 13 years of age and older to create a mobile application with a chance to win a scholarship and other valuable rewards. A series of innovation workshops from the University of Maine Foster Center for Innovation will help you get started! There are three scholarships available for the top mobile apps: $6,000 for first place, $3,000 for second place, and $1,000 for third place.Other awards include $500 to the high school with the highest participation, Tablets for the first 50 completed submissions, and a guaranteed internship interview for the top 10 submissions following his/her college sophomore year. Visit the Tyler Technology Maine App Challenge website for more information; the deadline for submissions is May 15th. - Maine 4-H Virtual Learning Hub
Maine 4-H VirtualLearning is a hands-on, virtual learning program for youth ages 5-18. Workshops will be organized by age and topic. Topics include engineering, science, animals and agriculture, teen leadership, and more.Workshops will range from single-time events to short-term programs (typically four to six sessions). Participants will engage in hands-on activities, interact with other 4-Hers, and be positive adult role models.No prior experience with 4-H is required to participate. This is a great way for those who are interested to learn more about 4-H.
– Check out the upcoming 4-H VirtualLearning Programs we have planned in the coming months: Visit the Upcoming Events: Statewide Virtual Offerings for 2021-2022 page.
– Learn which virtual event registrations are open: Visit the Open Registrations page.
– Interested in becoming a Volunteer Presenter? Visit the Become a Volunteer Presenter page for more information and to complete an interest form.
– Read what 4-H Parents, Youth, and Teachers have to say about 4-H Virtual Learning offerings: Visit the 4-H Parents, Youth, Teachers: Stories and Testimonials page - Oxford County June Jamboree
This year’s Oxford County June Jamboree will be held June 11th & 12th at the Fryeburg Fairgrounds. This is an opportunity for youth enrolled in sheep, swine and horse projects to join us for our livestock clinic! We will have presenters teach about showmanship and animal care. We will be doing t-shirts, rabies vaccinations for sheep and horse, and Coggins vaccines for horses as well! Overnight accommodations and meals will not be provided (besides Saturday night pizza if you request it). Registration costs will vary depending on the number of attendees. Please see the registration page for further details. Registration for this event has passed. - EFNEP Recipe of the Month: Turkey Pasta Salad!
Now that we have successfully navigated through this winter, we’re looking ahead and can see summer on the horizon! Memorial Day is the official kick-off to grilling, picnics, and fun in the sun, and this summer-inspired Turkey Pasta Salad is sure to be a hit at any cookout. Remember to keep your food safe to eat with these Barbecue and Tailgating Food Safety Tips as well. For more delicious recipes, check out our UMaine EFNEP Mainely Dish Video Series. By Debbie Barnett (EFNEP CEA in Kennebec, Knox, Lincoln, and Waldo counties – barnett@maine.edu)
Expanded Food & Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) offers FREE nutrition education classes to income-eligible adults with children, or young adults 19-25 years old, and if you are eligible for programs such as SNAP, WIC, or Head Start. Find out more online.
Leaders Meeting Minutes
Hancock County 4-H Leaders Meeting of April 12th, 2022
–Hybrid meeting–
Present– Lisa Carney, Joanie Jodrey, Brenda Jordan (at the extension office), Lee Sargent, Terry Swazey, Elaine Gokey and office staff Carla Scocchi (online). (6)
The American Flag & 4-H Pledges were recited
Secretary’s Report– motion to accept the March report as written; motion seconded and accepted.
Treasurer’s Report– motion to accept the report as read by Terry, seconded and accepted.
Club Reports– Jolly Juniors: Joanie-her members have been having fun with cooking! Yesterday the club made chicken parmesan in the style of Olive Garden. Brenda’s kids finished their ice fishing traps, and 9 have finished their sewing project.
Rails and Trails- Lee had a business meeting that gave updates on Jamboree and the photo contest, possible fair dates, and spring horse keeping preparations. They may do a road cleanup for a community service project.
Horse of Course- Elaine reports that they have 3 active members. They helped raise money for the Bagaduce River Equine Rescue by selling calendar raffle tickets($10) at Tradewinds on Saturday, had a meeting Monday night, and did an hour’s worth of roadside cleanup. They all picked a breed to learn more about.
Old Business
- Jamboree-the committee met 3/23. The beekeepers are unable to attend, and we have not found an instructor for the Dog section. The Horse group would like to attend all weekend, Lisa can stay on site Friday night. Carla may know someone to lead a hike up Blue Hill Mountain. We would appreciate more craft ideas. The next meeting will be Thursday the 14th at 6pm.
- Steer Tickets- Terry got the previous wording on the tickets and will adjust accordingly. How many do we want to order? Can we sell them online?- May need to give more info to PayPal. Who will actually record and send the tickets? Put on hold for now.
- Photo Contest- the information is on the website.
- Style Revue- will be held in conjunction with Cloverfest. Robin Foster will help Brenda and Joanie.
- Public speaking- one Hancock county youth participated.
- CWF- waiting for updates from Heidi (coordinator).
New Business
- Scholarship Committee- deadline was April 1st, no applications were received. There are four eligible seniors that we will send a reminder to.
- Blue Hill Fair
- Theme will be “Get Rooted in 4-H!”
- There will be new Fair books printed
- Keep dropping off exhibits at the extension office instead of the fair; most find it more convenient.
- The fan in the food booth is not working. Lisa will stop in at the Restaurant Barn in Ellsworth to see if they know of anyone who can take a look at it.
- We regretfully accept the resignation of longtime leader Heather Linnehan, and thank her for her many years of service.
Office Report
- The two office positions are now being advertised. Please help spread the word if you know anyone who might be interested.
- Extension has updated the checklist for programming, Carla will send it out tomorrow.
Adjourned at 5:33
Respectfully submitted
Lisa Carney, Secretary