News & Events

Spotted Wing Drosophila Update August 6, 2021

SPOTTED WING DROSOPHILA UPDATE: AUGUST 6, 2021 Click on photos to enlarge. Spotted Wing Drosophila Alert:  8/6/2021 David Handley, Vegetable and Small Fruit Specialist; James Dill, Pest Management Specialist, Phil Fanning, Assistant Professor of Agricultural Entomology, Christina Howard, Produce Safety Professional   Counts of spotted wing drosophila in vinegar/yeast traps have risen significantly this week. […]

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Spotted Wing Drosophila Update: 7/23/2021

Spotted Wing Drosophila Update:  July 23, 2021 Click on photos to enlarge. David Handley, Vegetable and Small Fruit Specialist; James Dill, Pest Management Specialist, Phil Fanning, Assistant Professor of Agricultural Entomology   While we continue to find spotted wing drosophila fruit flies in raspberry plantings and blueberry fields in Maine this week, the situation has […]

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Spotted Wing Drosophila Alert: July 16, 2021

Spotted Wing Drosophila Alert: July 16, 2021 Click on photos to enlarge. David Handley, Vegetable and Small Fruit Specialist; James Dill, Pest Management Specialist, Phil Fanning, Assistant Professor of Agricultural Entomology   We have found spotted wing drosophila fruit flies in raspberry plantings and blueberry fields in Maine over the past week.  This compliments reports […]

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2021 Spotted Wing Drosophila Insecticides: Blueberries, Strawberries, Caneberries and Grapes

The University of Connecticut Cooperative Extension has prepared a chart showing trade names, active ingredients, IRAC codes, pre-harvest interval and restricted entry interval rates (days) per acre, and probable efficacy of insecticides used to control Spotted Wing Drosophila on blueberries, strawberries, caneberries, and grapes. Probable efficacy ratings are based on lab and field assays in […]

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