December 2020
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Upcoming Events and Important Dates
December 3 Teen Science Café— Mars Rover Perseverance, 3:30-4:15pm, preregister
December 8 Gifts from the Kitchen Webinar, 2pm, preregister
December 10 Teen Science Café— Genetic Detective, 3:30-4:15pm, preregister
December 10 KLLA Meeting, 6pm
December 11 4-H National Youth Summits applications due
December 15 Re-enrollment paperwork due at KL Extension
December 16 Bird Chats (through April 21), 3-4pm, preregister
January 14 KLLA Meeting, 6pm, Extension office
January 31 Oxton Trust Applications due
December Birthdays
Happy Birthday to Isabelle B. and Annie B.!
Enrollment Forms Due December 15
Re-enrollment packets were mailed directly to families this year. All enrollment, health and photo release forms are due at the Extension office by December 15. Please remember to ADD POSTAGE to the envelope provided. To drop off your paperwork in person, please call the office first so a contact-free exchange can be made. If you need help completing your forms or need another copy of the packet, contact your leader or Pamela Doherty at this office 207.832.0343.
Oxton Trust Applications Due January 31 for All of 2021
Through the generosity and foresight of Robert Oxton, the Oxton Trust Fund was established to support
4-H youth development programs and activities in Knox and Lincoln Counties. The funds are available annually. In an effort to streamline the grant process and better track funds awarded, the Oxton Trust Committee has voted to change from a bi-annual application schedule to a once-a-year application process. This means that clubs, volunteers and members must anticipate what funds they expect to request for the entire 2021 calendar year, and submit an application for funds to the Oxton Trust Committee by January 31, 2021.
Since this is the time of year that clubs are creating their club plan for the year, it seems like a logical time to have these applications due. If, however, a club, volunteer or member discovers a need for funds at a later date in 2021, a special meeting of the committee can be called and an application considered at any time. Funds available for mid-year requests, however, will be more limited.
Grants may be awarded for 4-H youth development programs and projects falling into one of the following areas: leadership, youth development and special programs. Applications can be submitted by
4-H staff, volunteers or members enrolled in the Knox and Lincoln Counties 4-H program. Download the application form or request a paper form from the Knox-Lincoln Extension office.
4-H Bird Chats 
Do you like to watch your bird feeder? Observe the antics of various chickadees, nuthatches, blue jays, and more? You’re not alone! Join 4-H staff and birding enthusiasts for a statewide youth birding club. This is an exciting opportunity for youth ages 9-18! The birding club will meet virtually once a month, starting December 16 through April 21. Participants will observe birds, learn how to contribute their observations and data to Project FeederWatch, share and discuss their observations with their peers, and more. Please preregister.
Gifts from the Kitchen
Don’t miss the Gifts from the Kitchen webinar, Tuesday, December 8 at 2 pm! Learn to create gifts from scratch that everyone will enjoy. Register to attend live or to receive a link to the recorded webinar and resources.
2021 Youth Agri-Science and Healthy Living Summit Applications Available Now!
The National Youth Summits on Agri-Science and Healthy Living will be held virtually this year allowing us to add more youth to our teams. Attendees will learn more about their area of interest by attending interactive workshops, and pitching their own action plan ideas. The Summits were created to empower youth to be well-informed citizens, expand engineering and agriculture experience, and increase connections to living a healthy lifestyle, all while being actively engaged in their communities.
Healthy Living: February 11-14, 2021
Agri-Science: March 4-7, 2021
Eligibility: Youth ages 14-18, enrolled in 4-H by December 31, 2020—this year youth may enroll in Maine 4-H solely in order to attend the Summits and participate on the team.
Cost: $75.00—we are currently working on funding sources and expect the participant cost to be closer to $25.00 per youth.
Application—This is a combined application for both the Agri-Science and Healthy Living Summits. Please note that references are not required this year.
For more information about the National Youth Summits please visit the website or check the application for more details. Email or call, 207.781.6099, with any questions. Applications due by December 11.
Only TWO More 4-H Virtual Teen Science Cafes in 2020!
There are two more 4-H Virtual Teen Science Cafes happening in 2020! On December 3, 3:30-4:15pm, Shawn Laatsch will join us to talk about the Mars Rover Perseverance, and on December 9, 3:30-4:15pm Dr. Pauline Kamath will teach about how to be a Genetic Detective tracing the source of an outbreak. The program will be running again in Spring of 2021, if you have ideas of new topics, please email Register today!
Every Wednesday, you have the opportunity to participate in The University of Vermont’s VTeen Science Exploration— these are a similar format and run from 3:30-4:45 pm. On their announcements page, scroll down to VTeen Science Exploration for details about the different offerings, and registration links.
4-H Tuesday Trivia
Come join the fun and test your knowledge in a variety of topic areas, including your knowledge of 4-H and our land-grant university, the University of Maine!
When? Every Tuesday in December! Register to play and each Tuesday at 12:00 noon you will get an email with your link to the week’s trivia game. The quiz will close at 11:59 pm that night. Each game will have questions about 4-H, the University of Maine, and one of these themes: Disney, Winter, Animals, Star Wars, and the State of Maine.
Who Can Play? Any 4-H member, family, or volunteer can play. We will have four age categories: Cloverbuds (age 5-8), Juniors, (9-12), Seniors (13-18), and Adults (4-H volunteers, parents, and 4-H staff) In addition, you can invite your non-4-H friends to join the fun and play along too!
Does it cost anything? Nope, it’s free! AND, you can win prizes!
Did you say prizes? Yes! Prizes include t-shirts, 4-H swag, gift cards, and a 4-H Camp and Learning Center scholarship! Each week we will draw random winners. Top scores at the end of December in each age group will receive prizes. You can even receive an award for recruiting the most non-4-H friends to play! Each week youth play, their name will go into a drawing that will take place at the end of the month for a partial 4-H Camp and Learning Center scholarship up to a $150 value.
How do I sign up? Click on the form on the 4-H Trivia page. Then, each Tuesday in December, watch your email for your link to your trivia game. Submit your answers. Speed and accuracy count. Check back on the webpage to follow the leader board and see who the weekly prize winners are.
Maine 4-H Foundation Scholarships
Graduating seniors and those who have delayed college for a year can apply for a 4-H post-secondary scholarship from the Maine 4-H Foundation. Applications are due on March 1, 2021 to the local county office.