Knox-Lincoln 4-H Newsletter-May 2022
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Upcoming Events and Important Dates
May 10 KLLA Meeting, 6pm, Extension office, Waldoboro & online
May 10 Deadline to register for 4-H Camp Day & Photo Workshop
May 14 4-H Camp Day & Photo Workshop, 11am-3pm, Blueberry Cove 4-H Camp, St. George
June 1 Apply for Maine Association of Livestock Exhibitors (MALE) membership/insurance —Be sure to apply for the 2022-2023 membership year
June 6 Deadline to register for Adulting 101 SPIN Club
June 10 NEW DATE Fryeburg Fair Market Lamb Intent due
June 11-12 Oxford County June Jamboree (register by May 9)
June 30 4-H Animal Approval and Lease forms due (some commodity exceptions) – Find tips on filling out these forms in an article below.
June 30 Union Fair 4-H Livestock Show (Horse, Rabbit, Small Domestic Pet, Working Steer) entry forms due at the Extension office
June 30 Union Fair 4-H Individual Exhibition Yurt entry forms due at the Extension office
May Birthdays
Happy Birthday to Arianna C., Paytyn D., Anna P., Kyra B., Anthony B., and Xavier C.!
KL Youth Excel at 2022 Maine 4-H Public Speaking Tournament
Congratulations to all eight of the Knox-Lincoln 4-H youth who presented at the 2022 Maine 4-H Public Speaking Tournament! 25 youth presentations were given at the statewide hybrid event. 4-H members from all over Maine qualified for the tournament at county or regional events and spent hours attending workshops and practicing before presenting virtually from their homes or in-person at the University of Maine in Orono to judges, guests, and their peers. You should all be very proud of your accomplishments!
Isabelle B. Junior IT What Is Self-Care?
Zoe B. Junior IT How I Would Make My Playground Better
Kyra B. Junior Demo Slime
Julia B. Senior IT Medical Myths
Anthony D. Senior IT Warbird
Jeremy D. Senior IT Bee Cool
Sabrinnah D. Junior IT Born to Fly
Adam E. Senior IT Lambing
Congratulations to the Oxton Trust Scholarship Winner
Congratulations to Julia B. of the Aldermere Achievers 4-H club for being awarded the Oxton Trust Scholarship, given annually to 4-H members from Knox or Lincoln County by the KL 4-H Leaders’ Association. Julia plans to attend Southern Maine Community College and work toward a dual major in Fire Science & Emergency Medical Services/Paramedicine with a goal of becoming a Lifeflight Medic. Best of luck to you, Julia!

4-H Camp Day & Photo Workshop at Blueberry Cove
Knox-Lincoln 4-H members and volunteers are invited to join Ryan and Cindy at Blueberry Cove 4-H Camp & Learning Center on Saturday, May 14, 11am-3pm for a day at camp! (This is a time change from the initial email in April.)
We have some fun camp activities planned, as well as a mini photography workshop. We will find lots of interesting things to photograph at Blueberry Cove! Bring a lunch and picnic at camp! This event is free and open to all enrolled Knox & Lincoln County 4-H youth and volunteers. Sign up deadline extended to May 10. Contact Cindy Rogers or Pamela Doherty
Summer Camp Opportunities
Visit the Summer University Youth Programs’ Youth Summer Camps page to learn about a huge variety of camp experiences available to youth. From our traditional 4-H Camp and Learning Centers to camps that focus on Academics, Art, Music, or Sports, there is something for everyone. Financial help is available for 4-H members:
Maine 4-H Foundation Summer Camp Scholarships
The Maine 4-H Foundation has a limited number of scholarships for 4-H members for Blueberry Cove, Bryant Pond, Greenland Point, and Tanglewood. These scholarships are applied by the camp when you register and pay the deposit for camp. Scholarships are available from $50 to $200 depending on the camp expenses and needs.
4-H Camp and Program Scholarships
The Knox-Lincoln 4-H Leaders’ Association offers scholarships to Knox-Lincoln 4-H members to be used to attend educational camps and programs. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis, as they are submitted, through the summer of 2022, or until available funds run out. Download the application at or request a paper copy by contacting Pamela Doherty at 207.832.0343 (in Maine 800.244.2104) or
Get Ready for Union Fair!
With a new earlier date, don’t miss any deadlines for participating in Union Fair July 27-31, 2022.
• Animal Approval Forms for most commodities are due June 30.
• By June 1 Apply for Maine Association of Livestock Exhibitors (MALE) membership/insurance —Be sure to apply for the 2022-2023 membership year.
• Entry forms for 4-H Livestock Shows and the 4-H Exhibition Yurt are due June 30 and are found in the 4-H Union Fair Information Booklet
• July 15 Members 4-H age 5-8: sign up for 4-H Cloverbud Demonstrations.
• July 15 Clubs: Sign up for 4-H Club Exhibit space; tell us what your Gift Basket theme will be.
Download the 2022 4-H Union Fair Information Booklet from the Extension website, or request it be emailed to you. Paper copies are available at the Extension office upon request.
Tips for Filling Out the 4-H Animal Approval Form
Any 4-H youth age 9-18 who plans to participate in 4-H livestock shows* in 2022 must complete and submit an Approval Form for 4-H Animal Shows. If a member is leasing an animal to show, a Maine 4-H Contract for Rental/Lease of All Animals is also required. Animal Approval forms are NOT required for showing rabbits, poultry or small domestic pets (except dogs, which DO require the Animal Approval form). Both of these forms are due June 30 for MOST commodities. Please refer to the 4-H Animal Science Resources for information specific to your commodity.
When filling out your Animal Approval Form, please keep the following in mind:
-When downloading, be sure to select “shrink to fit page” so that information is not cut off the edges.
-Print form 2-sided.
-Your club leader (or advisor for independent member) must sign on the line immediately after last entry in the list of animals. Be sure to leave time for this before the due date.
-2-sided, signed ORIGINAL forms must be received at your county Extension office no later than the due date. 4-H staff will keep original for office records and return an official, embossed photocopy to you. This embossed copy is what you will need to have with you each time you participate in a 4-H livestock show.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact your club leader or 4-H staff.
Maine Association of Livestock Exhibitors Membership Requirement
Anyone showing livestock at Maine fairs who cannot show proof of a farm insurance policy (with the exhibitor’s name on the certificate) with a coverage level the same as or better than that offered by MALE is required to prove current membership in MALE. Apply online for an individual or a family, making sure that you are applying for the for 2022-2023 season. If you require a printed application, contact MALE and make sure you are given the 2022-2023 application. Apply by June 1 so you will receive your membership card in time for Union Fair. The cost of this membership is $25 for an individual, $50 for a family.
Plan Your 4-H Club Exhibit—Independents, too!
4-H Club Exhibits at Union Fair may be submitted by 4-H clubs and pairs or groups of independent members enrolled in Knox or Lincoln Counties. Any club or sub-group within a Knox-Lincoln club can enter a club exhibit. Independent members can work together with other independents on one exhibit. For current guidelines, check the 4-H Union Fair Information Booklet. To reserve exhibit space, please contact Cindy Rogers at 207-832-0343 or by July 15, 2022.
Gift Basket Fundraiser for KLLA at Union Fair
We are bringing back the gift basket raffle at Union Fair! The raffle, which benefits Knox-Lincoln 4-H, will once again feature themed gift baskets filled with quality items donated or made by KL 4-H clubs. Each club is asked to come up with a theme for the club basket and notify Cindy Rogers (207.832.0343, of the theme by July 15. Then the club should fill a large basket or other container with items relating to the theme as a prize for the raffle. We ask that these items be new and high-quality or handmade by 4-H club members, with a total basket value of at least $50.
Ideas for a basket might be a pet care basket, a jams and jellies basket, a scrapbooking basket, a family games basket, a Made in Maine basket…etc. Remember that the basket should appeal to a broad public audience, not necessarily matching your club’s focus. Think about what will sell lots of tickets!
Independent members and volunteers: please contribute items to your choice of 3 baskets, all of which are located at the Knox-Lincoln UMaine Extension office:
- Kitchen Basket–We’ve started with an electric counter-top grill and a glass canister set. Ideas for items to add: spatulas, tongs, seasonings, recipes, an apron, dish cloths, etc.
- Picnic Basket–We have an 9”x13” baking pan with an insulated tote/carrier and a pop-up food cover. Ideas for items to add: reusable food containers, napkins, tablecloth, non-perishable snacks, utensils, picnic recipes, etc.
- Hiking Adventure Basket-We have a hammer multi-tool and binoculars. Ideas for items to add: reusable water bottle, bandana, flashlight, batteries, small first aid kit, compass, etc.
Plan to Enter the 2022 Knox-Lincoln 4-H Photo Contest
Start taking photos for the Knox-Lincoln 4-H Photography Contest 2022! The top photos per age category will be exhibited in the 4-H Gallery at the Knox-Lincoln Extension office.
This contest is open to any Knox-Lincoln 4-H member age 9 and up. Entries will be accepted through September 30, 2022. Members can enter up to four photos taken between October 1, 2021, and September 30, 2022. Entry information will be coming soon. In the meantime, keep snapping those great photos! Contact Cindy Rogers at 207.832.0343 or if you have questions.
4-H Summer Learning Series
After an incredibly successful 4-H Summer Learning Series over the past two years, Maine 4-H will once again offer virtual experiential learning workshops and clubs to youth ages 5-18 from July 5-August 5, 2022. Planning is still taking place, but topics in previous years have ranged from engineering, art, science, animals & agriculture, food & nutrition, teen leadership, and more.
Early registration will be available to enrolled 4-H’ers on Friday, June 3, 2022 and will open to the public the following Monday, June 6. Help us spread the word to your friends and communities – enrollment in 4-H is not required to participate, this event is open to all! For more information, visit the 4-H Summer Learning Series webpage.
Fryeburg Market Lamb Intent Forms—Deadline Change
Youth planning to participate in the market lamb program at Fryeburg Fair need to submit a 2022 Fryeburg Fair Market Lamb Intent to Sell form by June 10th. The lamb’s tag number and bill of sale must accompany the intent form. Market lambs must be owned and in the possession of the 4-H member by June 1, 2022. Please contact your local Cooperative Extension office with any questions or to obtain a printed copy of the form.
Adulting 101: 4-H Virtual Club
Are you a teen worried about impending adulthood? Do you want to know how to find answers to your questions about money, jobs, and roommates? Consider joining the Adulting 101 SPIN Club! Over the course of six meetings, we will learn some basic adult skills, including how to manage stress, interview for a job, and take advantage of existing resources in your community. Each week will cover a different topic: life/work balance and stress management; saving, spending, and credit; nutrition on a budget; resumes and interviews; rent and roommates; and a topic chosen by the participants! Access to a computer is required for participants, a smartphone won’t be sufficient.
Youth ages 13-18 need to register for Adulting 101 by June 6 for this club which will meet via Zoom on Wednesdays June 22-July 27 from 4:00-5:30 pm.
4-H For All: Spring 2022
The purpose of this virtual club is to provide new and potential members and their families a place to learn about 4-H; and to connect youth across the state. Youth will choose a project to complete and learn more about 4-H and how to become involved. We want you to join and engage in our 4-H program! There is no cost, and meetings will help challenge you to create new goals and discover new passions. Open to youth 5-13, the last meeting will be held May 26 at 10am. Register for 4-H For All.
Maine 4-H Virtual Learning Hub
Maine 4-H Virtual Learning is a hands-on, virtual learning program for youth ages 5-18. Workshops will be organized by age and topic. Topics include engineering, science, animals and agriculture, teen leadership, and more. Workshops will range from single-time events to short-term programs (typically four to six sessions). Participants will engage in hands-on activities, interact with other 4-Hers, and be positive adult role models. No prior experience with 4-H is required to participate. This is a great way for those who are interested to learn more about 4-H.
Check out the upcoming 4-H Virtual Learning Programs we have planned in the coming months.
Oxford County June Jamboree
This year’s Oxford County June Jamboree will be held June 11 & 12 at the Fryeburg Fairgrounds. This is an opportunity for youth enrolled in sheep, swine and horse projects to join us for our livestock clinic! We will have presenters teach about showmanship and animal care. We will be doing t-shirts, rabies vaccinations for sheep and horse, and Coggins vaccines for horses as well! Overnight accommodations and meals will not be provided (besides Saturday night pizza if you request it). Registration cost will vary depending on number of attendees. Please see the June Jamboree registration page for further details. Register by May 9.
EFNEP Recipe of the Month: Turkey Pasta Salad!
By Debbie Barnett, EFNEP CEA in Kennebec, Knox, Lincoln, and Waldo counties—
Now that we have successfully navigated through this winter, we’re looking ahead and can see summer on the horizon! Memorial Day is the official kick-off to grilling, picnics, and fun in the sun, and this summer-inspired Turkey Pasta Salad is sure to be a hit at any cookout. Remember to keep your food safe to eat with these Barbecue and Tailgating Food Safety Tips as well. For more delicious recipes, check out our UMaine EFNEP Mainely Dish Video Series.
Expanded Food & Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) offers FREE nutrition education classes to income-eligible adults with children, or young adults 19-25 years old, and if you are eligible for programs such as SNAP, WIC, or Head Start. Find out more online.