Annual Reporting

The new Reporting System (name pending!) gathers the information Cooperative Extension needs to meet our annual federal requirements for financial and program reporting. Your reporting of data and stories is crucial for Extension to be able to quantify the impact programming has on our state, and we use it to justify Federal, University and other funding that supports positions, programs and vital resources.

Your Annual Reporting Requirements – All Extension program staff must:

  • report at least 165 days of Effort by directly entering Programming, and/or Entering your time as a collaborator in Programming reported by others (those with split or part time appointments may prorate their Effort Days), and
  • report one or more Narratives describing a Program of yours (or as part of a team) in terms of relevance, response, and results.
  • Complete the Brightspace Training Course for Salesforce access

Annual Reporting Support

Virtual Drop-In: Whitney hosts virtual office hours every Tuesday from 9 – 10 am. You can access this training through her Zoom Link. Passcode: 059919

Jon Prichard: Program Administrator
Monica Palmer:
 CRM System Professional
Whitney Yorston: CRM System Support Professional


How many days of Effort can I enter?

You can enter up to 220 days.

How many days of Effort do I have to enter?

At least 165 days of Effort (those with split or part time appointments may prorate their Effort Days).

How many Programming Records do I need to enter?

A Programming record can either represent an individual element of your programming, or you can enter a collective record that incorporates data from multiple events.

Where should I start?

Your Home Tab! The Home Tab is the quickest way to find records that you’ve entered or are involved with.

I was added as a Collaborator? What does that mean? What do I have to do?

All you need to do is click on the link in the email and report your number of days!

Do I need to enter a Narrative?

Please report one or more Narratives describing a Program of yours (or as part of a team) in terms of relevance, response, and results. Example: Master Gardener Volunteer (MGV) programs occur across the state in every county. For their reporting, the MGV coordinators work together to submit one narrative that covers the whole program instead of a narrative per county.