We are pleased to be able to offer you two hotels to choose from for your stay during our organizational meeting in March. Each hotel is holding a block of rooms for March 4 (for folks traveling two or more hours who want to arrive the night before) and March 5 (for staff who are not Orono- or Bangor-based). The cost of a double (or more) room will be paid by Extension. You are responsible for making your own reservations. When doing that, please be sure to mention the UMaine Cooperative Extension conference to receive our discounted room rate. You are encouraged to room with at least one other person, however, if you choose to stay alone, please note that you will be responsible for paying half of the room rate ($40.00 at Black Bear Inn and $42.50 at the University Inn). Any additional charges to your room will be your responsibility. Please make your reservation at one of the hotels listed below as soon as possible.
Black Bear Inn
I-95 Exit 193, Stillwater Avenue
4 Godfrey Drive, Orono, ME 04473
Room Rate: $79.95; 2 per room per night. Room rate includes complimentary continental breakfast.
Black Bear Inn will be holding a block of rooms until February 25, 2013. To receive the discounted rate, please reference UMaine Cooperative Extension Conference when you register.
University Inn
I-95 Exit 191, Kelly Road
5 College Avenue, Orono, ME 04473-4400
Room Rate: $85.00; 2 per room per night; $75.00 single per room per night; room rate includes breakfast buffet.
University Inn will be holding a block of rooms until February 25, 2013. To receive the discounted rate, please reference UMaine Cooperative Extension Conference when you register.