Enhancing Extension’s Mission through Narrative — All Group Opening Session

2016 Two-Day All Organizational Meeting
Enhancing Extension’s Mission through Narrative

All Group Opening Session

Sharing narratives conjures our humanness, fosters connection, and compels us. At the very essence of all our work, there are narratives. From messaging, to requesting support, to motivating ourselves as a team, to telling who we are now and where we are headed during times of transition, we are sharing these narratives and stories everyday.

Yet what makes a narrative engaging? What makes someone want to listen? What makes our message really land? What makes us memorable?

In this interactive workshop we will have the opportunity to consider the narratives we want to tell about our work and the significance of the Cooperative Extension. We will learn and apply techniques that help us develop our narratives and effectively convey our message.

Throughout the duration of the organizational meeting, we will have the opportunity to share and hear narratives from across our organization, enhancing our understanding of one another’s roles and our ability to convey the value of Cooperative Extension.