
2016 Two-Day All Organizational Meeting:
Enhancing Extension’s Mission through Narrative

October 26 and 27
Wells Conference Center, Orono Campus


NOTE: If you like would like a hard copy of the agenda, please print it from this page and bring it with you. We will not be printing and distributing agendas at the meeting. Your name badge will indicate the breakouts, tours, and meals you selected. There will be a poster of the agenda in the lobby with all location information.

Day 1: Wednesday, October 26, 2016

9:00 AM: Registration, beverages, fruit, and breakfast bread

9:30 AM: Welcome Remarks — Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Jeffrey E. Hecker

9:45 AM: Enhancing Extension’s Mission through Narrative — All Group Opening Session

10:45 AM: Break

11:00 AM: Enhancing Extension’s Mission through Narrative — All Group Opening Session continued. Door Prize Drawing.

12:00 PM: Lunch and poster session set-up

1:00 PM: Organizational Update — Executive Director John Rebar

1:30 PM: Travel to Breakout Session

1:45 PM: Breakout Session #1 (Four Choices)

3:00 PM: Travel to Tour destination

3:30 PM: Tours/Campus Recreation

4:30 PM: End and Hotel Check-in

5:30 PM: Social/Poster Session/Cash bar

6:15 PM: Remarks from President Susan J. Hunter, Ph.D

6:30 PM: Dinner. Door Prize Drawing.

7:15 PM: Stories; Extension Band and Talent Showcase for your evening entertainment

9:30 PM: Adjourn

Day 2: Thursday, October 27, 2016

7:15 AM: Full Breakfast

8:00 AM: Behind the Scenes with Extension Clients: Why the Stories Matter

8:45 AM: Travel to Breakout Session

9:00 AM: Breakout Session #2 (Four Choices)

10:15 AM: Break

10:30 AM: Travel to Breakout Session

10:45 AM: Breakout Session #3 (Five Choices)

12:00 PM: Travel to Full Group

12:15 PM: Lunch

1:15 PM: The History of Cooperative Extension and How Extension Remains Relevant Today — NIFA Director Sonny Ramaswamy

2:00 PM: Closing. There will be a brief summary of the value of the narratives we have created during the meeting with possible story sharing.

2:30 PM: Door Prizes. Evaluation.

2:45 PM: Closing Remarks

3:00 PM: END