ELT Minutes

ELT Minutes, August 7, 2013

Regional Learning Center, Small Conference room Facilitator: Dennis Harrington Note taker: Fran Sulinski Agenda ELT Business Items The 8.8% Smith-Lever cut is larger than what was projected, but Extension was not disproportionately treated. Centralized Database Update Lisa shared an updated timeline of the Centralized Database. A test should be ready in September. Small Ruminant & […]

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ELT Minutes, July 17, 2013

Facilitator: Fran Sulinski for Jon Prichard Note Taker: Dennis Harrington Absent: Jon Prichard Agenda Conductivity in the Counties: There have been many conductivity issues recently in County offices. Lisa reported that the UMaine System IT’s opinion is that in some cases our wireless equipment is outdated. Tanner is assessing the needs and estimating costs for […]

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ELT Minutes, June 26, 2013

Extension Leadership Team Minutes June 26, 2013 Present: Fran Sulinski, John Rebar, Jon Prichard, Lisa Phelps, and Dennis Harrington Update from Chancellor Page and UMS Senior Staff: ELT members attended a meeting to hear an update from Chancellor Page and UMS Senior Staff regarding the progress on the Board of Trustees’ Goals and Actions/Initiatives specifically […]

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ELT Minutes, June 4, 2013

Extension Leadership Team Minutes Wednesday, June 4, 2013 Location: Knox-Lincoln County Office, Waldoboro 9:00 – 3:30 Present: Fran Sulinski, John Rebar, Jon Prichard, Lisa Phelps, and Dennis Harrington Minutes: Centralized Database Management System Update Michele Lodgek provided a written update regarding the status of the system. The program is being downloaded to a UMaine server […]

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ELT Minutes, May 15, 2013

Extension Leadership Team Minutes Wednesday, May 15, 2013 Location: 102B Libby Hall 9:00 – 3:30 Present:  Fran Sulinski, John Rebar, Jon Prichard, Lisa Phelps Absent: Dennis Harrington Minutes Caribou Hall (Penobscot County Office): The new parking lot is finished and it looks great and will provide a safer more convenient parking option for everyone. Maine […]

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ELT Minutes, April 24, 2013

Extension Leadership Team Meeting Notes Wednesday, April 24, 2013 Augusta – UMA Richard Randall Center, Room 208 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Facilitator: Dennis Harrington Note taker: Fran Sulinski Present: Dennis Harrington, Lisa Phelps, Jonathan Prichard, John Rebar and Fran Sulinski. Guests: Doug Babkirk (in person), Leslie Forstadt (via Gchat) Review Feedback from the Program […]

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ELT Minutes, April 4, 2013

  Extension Leadership Team Minutes                                                                                       Thursday, April 4, 2013 102B Libby Hall, Orono                                                                                        9:00 am to 3:30 pm Facilitator:  Jon Prichard                                          Notes:  Dennis Harrington Present:  Dennis Harrington, Lisa Phelps, Jonathan Prichard, John Rebar and Fran Sulinski. Guests:  Cathy Elliott, Audrey Chapman, and Jennifer O’Leary. Please note: Due to the confidentiality and sensitivity of […]

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ELT Minutes, February 22, 2013

 Extension Leadership Team Minutes Friday, February 22, 2013 UMA – Jewett Hall, Room 124, Augusta 9:00 am to 3:30 pm Present:   Dennis Harrington, Fran Sulinski, Lisa Phelps, Jon Prichard and John Rebar. Guests:     Aileen Fortune, Mark Hutchinson, John Jemison, Susan Jennings, Bethany Pelletier, and Ryder Scott. Facilitator: Lisa                           Note taker: John Please note: Due […]

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ELT Minutes, February 5, 2013

Extension Leadership Team Minutes Tuesday, February 5, 2013 Room 102B Libby Hall Present:         Fran Sulinski, John Rebar, Dennis Harrington, Jon Prichard, and Lisa Phelps. Guest:             Devon DeMarco, Liaison: ADVANCE Rising Tide Center Please note: Due to the confidentiality and sensitivity of some agenda items, these ELT minutes do not represent the full content […]

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ELT Minutes, January 14, 2013

Extension Leadership Team Minutes Monday, January 14, 2013 Room 102B Libby Hall 9:00 am to 3:30 pm   Facilitator:    Dennis Harrington Note taker:    Fran Sulinski Present:    Dennis Harrington, Lisa Phelps, Jon Prichard, John Rebar and Fran Sulinski. Please note: Due to the confidentiality and sensitivity of some agenda items, these ELT minutes do not […]

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