Future Planning/All Group Input: Blue Sky and Beyond
Day 1, Tuesday, March 5, 2013, 11:30 AM
Led by Craig Freshley
Looking ahead 3-5 years, what are the most significant ways in which Cooperative Extension should be different and/or significantly different than now? How would such new ways of being and doing fit with the Blue Sky Plan? In small groups and as a large group we will discuss these two questions and come to some conclusions.
Attendees should read the Blue Sky Plan and be prepared for the Future Planning/All Group Input: Blue Sky and Beyond session by answering the following questions:
- What are the most significant ways in which our current work at Cooperative Extension supports the 5 Pathways?
- Are there new approaches we should consider that will increase our support of the plan?
- Do you have any questions or concerns about the Plan as written?
Day 2, Wednesday, March 6, 2013, 1:40 PM
Highlights, Conclusions, and Take-Aways
Led by Craig Freshley
- This session will begin with a quick recap of highlights from our two-day meeting; a quick fly-over and remembrance of our shared journey.
- Craig will also offer some proposed conclusions. Do you agree with Craig’s conclusions? We will discuss and amend them on the spot.
- We will each consider: “In light of what I have learned these two days, what do I intend to do differently?” We might even share some answers with each other and discuss them.