Reclassification and Equity Reviews
If you believe that your present duties performed are significantly different* from those outlined in your current job description, you can complete a Request for Salaried Classification Review and a new Position Description Questionnaire (PDQ) and submit both items to your supervisor.
* A Significant Change in Duties and Responsibilities is present when either 1) changes will result in increases in at least two factor ratings on the Point Factor Instrument (PFI) and at least a 10% increase in the point value of the position, or 2) a change in Job Family assignment that affects the salary band.
Reclassification Resources:
- Official HR Site for SECCP Information (you may be asked to sign in with your MaineStreet login)
- SECCP PDQ Scoring
- SECCP Position Review Procedures
To request the initial PDQ that was written when your position was hired, contact Angela Hart.
Pay Equity Review
If you believe there is a salary inequity between you and other staff who perform similar duties, you can apply for what is known as an equity adjustment (as per the UMPSA contract Article 17, section C). To initiate a pay equity review, submit a request for a review through your supervisor and HR. The UMS Compensation and Classification Director will then do an analysis to determine if an inequity exists.
If you are considering requesting a Classification or Pay Equity Review and would like to talk to someone who has been through the process, contact us at and we can connect you with someone willing to help.