Section V: Template for Soliciting Letters of Support for UMaine Cooperative Extension Faculty Members

Effective April 28, 2003
Revised July 1, 2010

Dear (Mr.-Ms.-Dr.) (Last name):

(First name Last name), Assistant (or Associate) Extension Professor, University of Maine Cooperative Extension, is seeking (Continuing Contract and promotion to Associate Extension Professor or promotion to Extension Professor). This action recognizes outstanding performance on the part of the Faculty member. As part of the documentation of workplace performance, letters of support from individuals familiar with the Faculty member’s work and who are able to speak to the criteria for Continuing Contract and promotion are sought. (First name Last name) has submitted your name as someone who could speak to their performance and in doing so could support their application. I appreciate your consideration of this request. If you are unable or unwilling to write a letter of support, please let me know as soon as possible.

If you are able to submit a letter it should include the name of the Faculty member, your name, how long you have known the Faculty member, and the nature of the work relationship between you and the Faculty member.

It is important to address the Faculty member’s performance in as many of these areas as possible.

  • Educational Program Development – assessing the need for specific programs, developing programs to address identified needs, evaluating the program and reporting any outcomes of the program.
  • Undergraduate and Graduate Teaching and Advising – teaching and advising strategies and approaches, efforts to address issues of diversity, and results of student evaluations. Applies only to Faculty members with teaching appointments at the University of Maine.
  • Scholarship and Professional Activity – development of scholarly works, such as curricula, professional papers, or software, some of which have been peer-reviewed, presentations at professional conferences or workshops, and involvement in professional organizations.
  • Organizational and Campus Service – involvement in committees that support the on-going work of Cooperative Extension, such as search and interview teams, work with advisory groups including county Executive Committees, activities that build and sustain linkages with the University of Maine and University of Maine System, supervision of UMaine Cooperative Extension employees and other administrative work, and demonstrated commitment to addressing civil rights and reaching out to diverse audiences.
  • Public Service – presentations that utilize professional expertise but that do not require engagement in the full educational program development process such as one-time talks to civic organizations.

In addition, it would be helpful if you can address what you believe has been the impact or effect of the Faculty member’s work. That is, what changes have individuals, groups, or communities made as a result of participating in the Faculty member’s program.

You are welcome to include any other comments that would be helpful to those reviewing (First name Last name)’s application for reappointment.

Thank you for your assistance with this important process. Please submit your letter of support to me by (date). If you have any questions, I can be reached by phone at 207.581. ____ or email at


(First name Last name)
Program Administrator