Extension Salesforce Projects

Projects are Currently Underway or Completed

Events Management (Live)

Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab (Live)

Operations Team (Live)

Communications and Marketing Team (Live)

CRM Support Team (Live)

Food Testing Services (Live)

Master Gardener Volunteers (Live)

Insect Diagnostic Lab (Live)

Veterinary Diagnostic Lab (Live)

Dial Gauge Testing (Live)

Ag Mediation (Live)

Pollinator Friendly Garden Application (Coming Soon)

Many other groups are holding preliminary discussions about how Salesforce might help their teams reach their potential and their audiences. The above list will be updated as implementations begin. At any time, email extension.crm@maine.edu to talk about how Salesforce can work for you.

Email Platform

Email Platform Review in Progress.

Status: Meetings with potential vendors are starting in November.

The Extension CRM Support Team and Communications and Marketing Team are working together to identify a new organization-wide email platform that will meet our needs. The chosen email platform will be fully integrated with Salesforce. This way, Extension can use the power of data management in Salesforce combined with robust email tools to better serve our customers.

Implementing an organization-wide email platform has many benefits to Extension, including:

  • Centralized training and support which will help staff who are creating newsletters, emails, etc. with best practices and strategies
  • Access to branded templates to make creating digital communications faster and the results better
  • Cleaner list management which means better customer service
  • Access to advanced features like drip campaigns and deeper segmentation
  • Development of an across-Extension “users group” where ideas and best practices can be shared instead of each unit feeling the need to find or create solutions themselves
  • Ability to report on email campaigns in Salesforce
  • Chance to see a more holistic view of each customer we connect with including whether they belong to one or many of our mailing lists