American Robin Phenophase Definitions

Directions: As you report on phenophase status (Y, N or ?) on the datasheets, refer to the definitions on this sheet to find out what you should look for, for each phenophase in each species. To report the intensity of the phenophase, choose the best answer to the question below the phenophase, if one is included.
Active individuals
One or more individuals are seen moving about or at rest.

One or more individuals are seen feeding. If possible, record the name of the species or substance being eaten or describe it in the comments field.
Fruit/seed consumption
One or more individuals are seen eating the fleshy fruits, seeds, or cones of a plant. If possible, record the name of the plant or describe it in the comments field.
Insect consumption
One or more individuals are seen eating insects. If possible, record the name of the insect or describe it in the comments field.
Calls or song
One or more individuals are heard calling or singing. Listen to the Robin song.
Singing males
One or more singing males are heard. Singing refers to stereotypical, simple or elaborate vocalizations used as part of a territorial proclamation or defense or mate attraction. It does not include relatively simple calls used for other forms of communication.
A male and female are seen coupled in a mating position, usually with the male on top of the female.
Nest building
One or more adults are seen constructing a nest or carrying nesting material.
Dead individuals
One or more dead individuals are seen, including those found on roads.
Individuals at a feeding station
One or more individuals are seen visiting a feeder, feeding station, or food placed by a person.