4-H News in Washington County – July 2018
Volume 13, Issue 7
PDF Print Version: 4-H Newsletter-Washington July 2018
Dates to Remember
July 20-22: Maine 4-H Days at the Windsor Fair
August 30-September 3: Blue Hill Fair
September 1: Maine 4-H Foundation Photo Contest Deadline
September 14: Washington County 4-H Photo Contest Deadline
October 6: Perry Harvest Fair
4-H Dog Show in Princeton
Thank you to Northwoods 4-H Club for hosting the Washington County 4-H Dog Show held in Princeton, June 22 and 23! The two-day event began with many members of the club and volunteers setting up the giant show tent. Latter members participated with a poster, record book, picture quiz activity and a yummy pizza dinner. Saturday featured a showmanship and obedience competition for Cloverbuds, and Junior and Senior divisions. A Candy Land agility run and costume contest ended the event. Thank you to the many volunteers who put their hearts into making this event a success. A great time was had by all for both humans and dogs!
The Downeast First Responder Teen Science Cafe Series Comes to a Close

The Teen Science Cafe hosted their fifth and final program of the year on June 1. Three special guests from Pleasant River Ambulance Service presented on the topic of “First Responders-First on the Scene, Saving Lives, Using 21st Century Technology”. Cafe participants problem solved emergencies from the back of the emergency response vehicle. Pathways were discussed comparing upcoming careers in emergency medicine.
As always, cafe participants enjoyed free pizza, refreshments, snacks, and prizes! Thank you to the Youth Leadership Team from Narraguagus High School for your time and creativity planning these cafes over the last year. A special thank you to all the volunteers who helped make the First Responder Teen Science Cafe series a success!
4-H June Jamboree

This year’s June Jamboree, the annual event held at the Blue Hill Fairgrounds in Hancock County featuring hands-on workshops, livestock clinics, and overnight camping, was a GREAT success! There were approximately 75 participants and over 15 adult volunteers. Youth participated in a range of hands-on workshops spanning topics in science, art, animal husbandry, horseback riding, and so much more. We were fortunate to welcome workshop presenters from Maine CDC, Explore Outdoors! Program, Maine Ham Radio Society, and Maine EPSCoR/SEANET who connected Hancock County youth to their exciting programs. Participants reported learning new things, meeting new people, and a strong sense of belonging to the Hancock County 4-H community. We can’t wait to see you there next year!
Greenland Point

Incredible news! Another 4-H Camp and Learning Center is about to join our awesome Family of 4-H camps! And you can help make this happen! The Maine 4-H Foundation has been working hard to acquire funds to purchase the Greenland Point Center in Princeton (Washington County). The goal is to create a new, fourth 4-H Camp and Learning Center, and eventually create a conservation easement to protect the property. To date, $319,000 has been secured of the $350,000 needed to purchase the property. Can you help us raise the $31,000? We need your help to reach our goal to support local youth? We are due to close on August 31, 2018, so time is critical. Visit the Maine 4-H Foundation’s Make a Donation page and don’t forget to mention GREENLAND.
4-H Summer of Science is in Full Swing
4-H Summer of Science is happening in Calais, Jonesport, Lubec, Machias, and Princeton! Leaders Sandy Copel-Parsons and Taylor Roos are having a wonderful time helping the youth conduct the experiments!
- Will it Float? Activity
- Will it Lift? Activity
2018 4-H Photo Contest
You should have received an email about the 2018 4-H Photo Contest in Washington County! Deadline to submit photos to the Extension Office is Friday, September 14, 2018. There are five photo categories – you may enter one photo in each category. Full details can be found on the Washington County 4-H Photo Contest page at or call the office if you have any questions. Maine 4-H Foundation is also offering a photo contest with prizes!
Get out there and start snapping photos!
Photos from 2017:
Going to Summer Camp? Scholarships Available
With the help of scholarships, summer camp can become a reality for our youth. Be sure to check out all the great opportunities available to our 4-H youth at our UMaine 4-H Camp & Learning Center at Tanglewood & Blueberry Cove as well as our Bryant Pond 4-H Camp by visiting the 4-H Camps and Learning Centers page.
Youth have the opportunity to receive multiple scholarships. The Maine 4-H Foundation offers scholarships, as do the camps themselves. There are also active duty military-family scholarships, camp financial-need based scholarships. We are also offering five $200 scholarships to Washington County youth thanks to the generosity of the Harmon Foundation. These will be given on a first come, first served basis. Please visit the Washington County 4-H Program website for the application. Don’t wait until its too late… apply today!
For more information about the summer camps, check out these videos:
Follow a Researcher
What do green crabs, ducks, and parasites have in common? How do scientists make sure the data they collect is accurate? What is an invasive species, and how can they be identified? Maine 4-H invites youth to explore the science of tracking invasive species with its Follow a Researcher® program. Follow UMaine graduate student Tyler Van Kirk and his research on green crabs, an invasive species found along the coast of Maine. Students and educators can follow his data collection trips in real-time with an online map and try an experiential learning activity that shows why data collection methods matter. Live updates will happen weekly via Twitter. You can follow along and sign up for updates/announcements on the Cooperative Extension: Follow a Researcher® website.
Blue Hill Fair
Reminder that the Blue Hill Fair is from August 30th – September 3rd this year! Did you know that ALL 4-H’ers are encouraged to exhibit their projects in the 4-H Exhibit Hall? If you are a 4-H Club member, you can encourage your club to start planning for your Club Exhibit. We also encourage all 4-H’ers (Independents, Club, Groups) to participate in the 4-H Cake Contest! This is a great opportunity to help promote 4-H in Maine. The 4-H theme for the Fair this year is “4-H: GEARED for Greatness!” – how can your club exhibit or cake match the theme? Be creative!
Exhibit cards are available in the Extension Office.
Read the Exhibitor’s Handbook, on the Blue Hill Fair website’s Premium Book for 2018 page for complete details.
Perry Harvest Fair
The Perry Harvest Fair is generally held the first Saturday in October. This is a great time to be thinking ahead about the types of projects you would like to enter this year!
Cooking with the Kids
Homemade Marshmallows
2 envelopes unflavored gelatin
1¼ cup water, divided
2 cups white sugar
Instructions: In a small bowl, stir together gelatin and ½ cup plus 2 tablespoons water. Set aside to soften. Combine remaining ½ cup plus 2 tablespoons of water and sugar in a saucepan. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally to dissolve the sugar. Do not stir once the sugar syrup begins to boil. Heat to 270º F (130º C). With an electric mixer running on low speed, carefully pour the hot sugar syrup into gelatin mixture. Beat on high speed until mixture is light and fluffy and the mixture is no longer warm to the touch, 10 to 15 minutes. Pour into a lightly greased 9×13 inch baking dish and let sit 8 hours or overnight. Cut into squares and serve. Fun to roast over a campfire!
4-H News from the State
Register Now for Maine 4-H Days!
Maine 4-H Days will take place July 20 – 22, 2018 at the Windsor Fairgrounds. If you do not have online access, please contact your local county office for paper copies of the forms. Find information and registration materials on the Maine 4-H Days page.
For more information or with any questions, please contact Jessy Brainerd at 207.581.3877 or jessica.brainerd@maine.edu.
Photo Contest!
From Susan Jennings, Maine 4-H Foundation
We know we make a huge difference in the lives of Maine youth through 4-H. I appreciate all of the hard work and dedication our 4-H staff makes across Maine. The Maine 4-H Foundation had a great year in 2017 raising over $748,000 in donations and investment income! A great deal of this funding was restricted to your programs! Good job! Our goal for 2018 is to continue to increase our support to 4-H programs across Maine. To make this happen the Maine 4-H Foundation needs to hear about your great programs and see youth in action! Becky Mosley suggested a statewide photo contest and the Foundation Board agreed! Photos make all of the difference! The Maine 4-H Foundation is pleased to announce a new youth, volunteer and staff photo contest. To win, submit as many photos (with photo releases) as you like to Susan Jennings by September 1, 2018. Photos need to be originals, have a photo release (for people in the photo) and include the copyright release from the photographer. They need to be digitally submitted to susan.jennings@maine.edu. Please add your name, email contact, age and photo release information.
Youth and Volunteer Prize(s):
- Grand Prize for the Best Overall Photo: Something 4-H Awesome!
- Prizes are Given in All Divisions: Youth age up to 8, 9-12, 13 and up, volunteers
- 1st Prize: $100 gift card
- 2nd Prize: $75 gift card
- 3rd Prize: $50 gift card
- Staff Prize: $500 on account at the Maine 4-H Foundation that you can use for a special 4-H program, event, workshop, conference or donor challenge.
Questions? Call Susan Jennings at 207.615.7300
Congratulations and Best Wishes!
Congratulations and best wishes to John Rebar, Executive Director of Extension, on his upcoming retirement. Thank you for all your support throughout the years. Let your dreams take flight!
The Big E New England Center Demonstration Team
Maine 4-H is going to The Big E! Sign up now to join the New England Center Demonstration Team. Travel dates are September 22, 23 and 24. A $25.00 registration fee includes travel by coach bus to and from The Big E, meals and two nights lodging in the Moses Dormitory on the fairgrounds. There are a limited number of scholarships available.
Youth will work in teams demonstrating STEM activities and 4-H projects. Join our group now and help show fairgoers what Maine 4-H is all about!
Top finishers in the Maine 4-H Public Speaking Tournament who earned a spot on the Maine 4-H Communications Team will be traveling with us and presenting from the New England Center Stage. Participants will need money to purchase meals on the bus ride down and back along with any spending money you wish to bring for your stay at the fair. There is a lot to do and see at The Big E Fair that is free of cost!
Open to youth ages twelve and older. Visit the Oxford County – 2018 Maine 4-H Big E New England Center Demonstration Team Form to register and pay online before August 1st.
Contact Becky at rebecca.mosley@maine.edu or 207.743.6329 for more information. For questions pertaining to the Maine Communication Team, please contact sheila.norman@maine.edu. Volt trained and enrolled volunteers who are interested in chaperoning should contact Becky Mosley.
2018 American Goat Federation Youth Scholarship Program
To encourage education and development of youth involved in the goat industry, AGF will accept scholarship applications from qualifying youth who enter and complete all requirements of the program. Projects must be received at the AGF office by August 20, 2018, and the Scholarship Application accompanied by a short biography must be received at the office No Later Than 30 days prior to August 20, 2018. Entries will be judged by an independent panel and winners will be announced September 2018. Applicants must be between the ages of 12 and 20, and under the age of 21 as of September 30, 2017. Applicants must be a member of the American Goat Federation, the child, grandchild, great-grandchild or stepchild, step grandchild or step great grandchild of a member of the American Goat Federation, or of any of the following member organizations of the American Goat Federation.
- The American Boer Goat Association (including Jr. Association)
- The American Dairy Goat Association
- Alabama Meat Goat and Sheep Producers Association
- Cashmere Goat Association
- Texas Sheep and Goat Breeders Association
For more information visit the American Goat Federation website.