UMaine Extension offers beekeeping classes for novice and experienced beekeepers

University of Maine Cooperative Extension is offering separate online beekeeping classes for beginner and experienced beekeepers starting Jan. 14 and Feb. 25.

The five-session beginning class, for beekeepers with less than one year’s experience, meets from 6–7:30 p.m. Jan 14–Feb. 11. With a focus on the basics of honeybee biology and beekeeping, the class can also act as a refresher for beekeepers going into their first winter. The fee is $100 per person, with required book; $70 if required book is purchased elsewhere. Register on the Beginner Beekeeping webpage.  

The four-session intermediate class, for beekeepers with a minimum of two years’ experience, meets 6–7:30 p.m. Feb. 25–March 18. Focused on effectively managing a hobby apiary in Maine, topics include maximizing colony health, honey production and swarm prevention. The fee is $150 per person, with required books; $80 if required books are purchased elsewhere. Register on the Intermediate Beekeeping: Apiary Management webpage.

All classes are taught by Eastern Apiculture Society Certified Master Beekeeper Erin MacGregor-Forbes. For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact 207.781.6099; More information also is available on the program website.