Increase Customer Satisfaction, Product Quality, and Lower Risk with Your Farm Food Safety Plan
What you will learn:
- The essential parts of the farm food safety plan: what should be there
- Identify Produce Safety risks specific to your farm using a farm map
- Write Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): why they are important and how to write SOPs that work
- Best practices for cleaning and sanitizing: what, when, how
- Training staff on hygiene and health: what do they need to know
- Record keeping saves the day: how to stay on top of it
- Roundtable on Recalls from Farm to Store Management: both sides of the story
NOTE: This is not a Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training course. For certification, see Upcoming Grower Training Courses.
Details: Three Live Online Sessions
Cost: No Charge
When: Tuesday evenings, Feb 2, 9, and 16, 2021, 5:00 – 6:30 PM
Who Should Attend: Farmers, seasoned and new, who would like to know more about how to create a useful, working food safety plan for their farm.
Register online; preregistration is required
Session One (February 2):
- Essential parts of the Farm Food Safety Plan and why it’s a tool you want
- Using a farm map to identify and manage produce safety risks
- How clear and effective SOPs are useful for consistent produce handling from field to market
Session Two (February 9):
- Brief Review of session one
- Ins and outs of cleaning and sanitizing
- Training staff in hygiene and health
Session Three (February 16):
- Record-keeping to improve management of potential food safety risks
- Review of completed template of a farm food safety plan
- Roundtable with farmers and retailer on how a recall works
Presented by:
University of Maine Cooperative Extension:
- Robson Machado, Assistant Extension Professor and Food Science Specialist
- Christina Howard, Produce Safety Professional
University of New Hampshire Extension:
- Mary Saucier Choate, Food Safety Specialist
- Heather Bryant, Fruit & Vegetable Production Specialist
- Seth Wilner, Agricultural Business Management Specialist