5.02.14 Mummy Berry Season has started

Lincoln, Knox, Waldo Counties Cups have been found in West Rockport, Liberty and Appleton this week.  The fungus was likely producing spores in fields in these areas.  We did have long enough leaf wetness for infection IF your plants were far enough along.  Reports vary by the area of whether or not the plants were […]

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4.27.14 Mummy Berry Cups have Started

Knox, Lincoln, Waldo Counties Mummy berry cups have been found by growers in their fields in West Rockport and Liberty.  Numerous cups and pinheads were seen in plots this weekend by these growers. The growers also report the plants in their fields were not open enough to be susceptible with the rain this weekend. Plants […]

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4.27.14 Mummy Berry Season is Getting Close

With the warmer weather, flower buds are just starting to open up in the south and the mummy berry season is approaching.  If you have a mummy berry patch in Knox, Lincoln or Waldo counties, now is the time to start monitoring it. Monitor your plants by checking the flower buds.  Once you have 40% […]

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