5.08.20 Mummy berry infections and frost May 6 to May 8th

There are still mummy berry cups reported in all locations that have been examined.  I think there are still cups present in all locations.  Over the past two days, a few fields near Brunswick, Waldoboro, Gouldsboro and Montegail experienced conditions for Monilinia infection on one or both of the last two nights.  Other fields, Brunswick, […]

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5.03.20 Mummy berry infection period May 3 to May 4, 2020

There were conditions for mummy berry infection periods at possibly all weather station locations.  This may be the case in your field too if you are near a weather station.  I do suggest you check the development of your plants.   Most infections started late Sunday May 3rd to early Monday May 4th.  We have two […]

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5.01.20 Probable Mummy berry infection in most locations, May 1 2020

As you may have guessed, weather conditions were suitable for mummy berry infection periods at most weather station locations from the early morning (4am to 8am) on Friday May 1st  through to Friday night.  I expect plants were ready and mummy berry cups were present in the Midcoast region and in many fields Downeast.   The […]

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4.28.20 Mummy berry infections likely later this week, April 28

There have been mixed reports of plant development  in blueberry growing areas. While some fields are past 40% F2 in the Midcoast and Downeast, there are other fields that are not there yet.  There are also reports of pinheads to cups in many fields in the Midcoast and Downeast.  We are getting warmer weather today […]

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4.26.20 Mummy berry report April 24

The wet weather coming our way may cause mummy berry infection if your plants are far enough along to 30 to 40% F2 (crown stage), and you have mummy berry cups in your field.  Please check your plants.  With this warm weather, I suspect many plants will have moved along faster than had been expected. […]

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4.15.20 Mummy berry season is getting close April 15, 2020

Mummy berry season is getting close for 2020.  We have reports of bud swelling in different fields in the midcoast area. Time to start looking at your mummy berry plots. Please let me know how your mummy berry plot and plants are developing.  Contact: Seanna Annis sannis@maine.edu, 207-581-2621. We have 11 of the 15 weather […]

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