Program Paths

The weekly routine for most programs includes path-specific outdoor skills development, cooling swims, and canoeing at our beautiful waterfront, hiking to the top of Mt. Christopher, team-building on our ropes course, and learning basic survival and outdoor safety skills. Everyone looks forward to Thursday night campfire, a fun-filled evening of skits, songs, stories, and laughs. Unless otherwise noted, programs are one week (Sunday through Friday). With a few exceptions, all campers are welcome to enter any age appropriate program without prior experience. One of the many features of Bryant Pond is to find a program passion and follow it though it’s paths completion.
Woodscraft Program Path
At one of our remote campsites, Woodscraft campers learn the skills of the traditional Maine Guide, and modern backcountry travel and camping. Long summer days at Pine Brook are filled with personal and group challenges and skill-building in axemanship, backcountry cooking, canoe skills and safety, hiking and
backpacking, map and compass, survival, tree and wildlife identification, fishing, and much more! The program is led by Registered Maine Guides and outdoor professionals who are dedicated to passing along the skills and wisdom of the Maine Woods to a new generation. It takes dedication and practice to become a Junior Maine Guide, the highest outdoor skills award available to a young person in Maine. Begin working toward this prestigious award this summer by enrolling in a Woodscraft Path program at your age level.