Maine Home Garden News

Can feline cat litter be used in the base of a Hugelkultur mound?

Question: My cats use feline pine cat litter (pine pellets that break down slowly into sawdust). I’m wondering, if we separate out the feces, if it’s safe to use the sawdust that has some cat urine in it in the base of a Hugelkultur mound. Are there zoonotic diseases that we should be worried about?  […]

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Can you freeze zucchini and summer squash?

Question: We are overwhelmed with zucchini and summer squash! Can I freeze either or both for winter use in soups, etc? If so, how do I prepare them — just cut up or dice and put in freezer bags, or otherwise? Answer: Rebecca Long, Sustainable Agriculture and Horticulture Professional You can definitely freeze zucchini and […]

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Are carrot-seed moth caterpillars invasive?

Question: I believe I have purple carrot-seed moth caterpillars in my garden primarily on my dill plants. I would greatly appreciate your help in identifying this caterpillar and if it is invasive? If so how do I get rid of them? Answer: Rebecca Long, Sustainable Agriculture and Horticulture Professional Your identification is correct, we agree […]

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What are some native wildflowers to plant over a septic leach field?

Question: I would like to plant a native wildflower meadow over my mounded septic leach field as well as in the areas surrounding it. I would also like to plant milkweed to support monarchs. I’m trying to find information about if this is safe with the septic or what types of plants I should use. […]

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What can be used to effectively repel Japanese beetles from plants?

Question: What can be used to effectively repel Japanese beetles from plants?  Presently I use a trap & hand pick beetles several times a day. Answer: Katherine Garland, Horticulturist I’m sorry to hear you’re dealing with a heavy “crop” of Japanese beetles this year. Now is when the adults are most actively feeding and mating, […]

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