Victory Gardens for ME

CarrotsOn Friday, May 1, 2020, UMaine Extension released its first video of the weekly Victory Garden for ME series. This series consists of short pre-recorded videos geared towards Mainers growing their first vegetable garden.

View the video series

Enjoying our videos but have questions? Contact your local Extension office!

Do you appreciate the work we are doing?

Consider making a contribution to the Maine Master Gardener Development Fund. Your dollars will support and expand Master Gardener Volunteer community outreach across Maine.


Victory Garden for ME Survey

Thank you for choosing Maine Cooperative Extension for your educational needs. It is important that we ensure equal opportunity to all who might benefit from our programs and resources. As a way to document those we are reaching through Victory Garden for ME and the impact of our program, we are seeking the following information on an optional and anonymous basis.

Take our short survey

We welcome your feedback!

  • Please, provide your email in case we have questions about your feedback.
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