Special Scholarship Opportunity for Teens!

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Group of young teens holding a long rod as part of a team building excersize

We are thrilled to announce our special full scholarship opportunity for Teens! Thanks to a grant from the Department of Education, we can now offer the following scholarships with a clear purpose: to provide access to our multi-week programs for teens whose families qualify. This aligns perfectly with our camp’s mission of inclusivity and accessibility, ensuring that transformative experiences are available to all.

The following locations and programs are eligible:

Greenland Point 4-H Center

The application process plays a crucial role in determining eligibility, as we strive to support those with genuine financial need. We understand that questions about financial eligibility may arise, but please rest assured that these inquiries are standard practice and necessary for fair assessment based upon the requirements of the grant from the DOE.  Please click the link below to apply

Scholarship Application

Please note, given the limited availability of these scholarships, we kindly request that families fully commit to attending the program should they be selected for funding. In addition to a full scholarship to camp, families will be reimbursed for mileage from your home town to camp and back upon program completion.

Thank you for your time and interest in attending 4-H Camps. A camp representative will be in touch with you once your application has been reviewed.

Teens at the top of a mountain

Funding Notice:  The American Rescue Plan Act GEER, Reverted EANS Funding received from the USDOE support the implementation of this project. The project has an award totaling $6.6 million dollars of which 100% is federally funded and directly attributed to project implementation. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by the USDOE or the U.S. Government.