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Insect ID: Habitat
Insect ID: Insects in Vegetable Gardens
Broccoli, Cabbage and Other Brassicas:
- Cabbage Looper
- Cabbage Flea Beetle (Phyllotreta albionica)
- Flea beetles (and feeding damage) on broccoli
- Cabbage Maggot (multiple images)
- Cabbage Maggots
- Cabbage Maggot
- Cabbage Maggot
- Roots damaged by Cabbage Maggots
- Diamondback Moth (larva and cocoon stages)
- Diamondback Moth
- Eggs of Imported Cabbageworm
- Imported Cabbageworm (life stages)
- Tarnished Plant Bug
Broccoli, Cabbage and Other Brassicas:
- Cabbage Looper
- Cabbage Maggot
- Cabbageworm/Imported Cabbageworm
- Diamondback Moth
- Flea Beetles
- Imported Cabbageworm
- If you are in the Farmington area: Swede midge (Cornell) — [serious pest of cruciferous plants]
- Tarnished Plant Bug
- Aphids
- Green Peach Aphids on broccoli
- Potato Aphid (‘Winged Rose’ stage)
- Bean Leaf Beetle (pinned specimen)
- Bean Leaf Beetle
- Cabbage Looper
- Corn Earworm larva (Helicoverpa zea)
- Corn Rootworm Larvae
- Southern Corn Rootworm Beetle (Spotted Cucumber Beetle)
- Cutworms
- European Corn Borer (collection of images)
- European Corn Borer larvae
- Flea beetles
- A Red-headed Flea Beetle on a bean blossom
- Red-headed Flea Beetle on a bean leaf
- Red-headed Flea Beetles on a bean leaf
- Leafhoppers (such as the Potato Leafhopper shown here)
- Potato Leafhopper (a pest of not only potatoes, but many other crops as well)
- A leafhopper nymph (the wing pads are absent in the nymphal stage)
- Mexican Bean Beetle (adult, larva, and some larval feeding injury as well)
- Mexican Bean Beetle (life stages)
- Tarnished Plant Bug
- Tarnished Plant Bug
- Spider Mites (leaves with webbing are a telltale sign)
- Wireworms (Larval stage of beetles called Click Beetles)
- Wireworms (Click Beetle larvae)
- Yellowstriped Armyworm caterpillar (Spodoptera ornithogalli) (Belgrade, ME; July 28th, 2021) (photo courtesy of Leilani Carlson)
- Aphids (Green Peach Aphids and Potato Aphids)
- Bean Leaf Beetle
- Cabbage Looper
- Corn Earworm
- Corn Rootworm
- Cutworms
- European Corn Borer
- Flea Beetles
- Leafhoppers | Potato Leafhopper (part of UMaine Extension’s Potato IPM Program)
- Leafminers
- Leafminers in Home Gardens (University of Minnesota)
- Leafminers of Vegetable Crops (Utah State University)
- Vegetable Leafminer (University of Florida)
- Mexican Bean Beetle
- Redheaded Flea Beetle (part of UMaine Extension’s Cranberry IPM Program)
- Spider Mites / Two-spotted Spider Mites
- Tarnished Plant Bug
- Wireworms
- Yellowstriped Armyworm (Univ. of Florida)
Potatoes and Eggplant:
- Cabbage Looper
- Aphids
- Potato Aphid (‘Winged Rose’ stage)
- Green Peach Aphids on broccoli
- Pair of mating Clavate Tortoise beetles on a potato leaf (Etna, ME; 7/16/2022)
- Colorado Potato Beetle (above: larvae, and below: adults)
- Pair of Colorado Potato Beetles
- Colorado Potato Beetle
- European Corn Borer (collection of images)
- European Corn Borer larvae
- Flea beetles
- Flea beetles on potato plants
- Flea beetle feeding damage on a potato plant
- Potato Leafhopper (a pest of not only potatoes, but many other crops as well)
- Leafhoppers (such as the Potato Leafhopper shown here)
- Tarnished Plant Bug
- Tarnished Plant Bug
- Three-lined Potato Beetle (Lema daturaphila) (central Maine, 7/20/2021) (very common on tomatillo plants; uncommon on potato in spite of its name)
- Clavate Tortoise beetle on a potato leaf (Etna, ME; 7/15/2022)
- Tortoise Beetle (larva); Photo by G. Dill, staff
- Tortoise Beetle (larva with pile of frass for protection and disguise); Photo by G. Dill, staff
- Clavate Tortoise Beetle (Helocassis clavata)
- Wireworms (Click Beetle larvae)
- Wireworm (additional image)
- Click Beetle images (larvae and adults)
- Yellowstriped Armyworm caterpillar (Spodoptera ornithogalli) (Belgrade, ME; July 28th, 2021) (photo courtesy of Leilani Carlson)
Potatoes and Eggplant:
See also: UMaine Extension’s Potato Pest Control Guide
- Aphids (Green Peach Aphids and Potato Aphids)
- Armyworms
- Cabbage Looper
- Clavate Tortoise Beetles
- Colorado Potato Beetle
- Cutworms
- European Corn Borer
- Flea Beetles
- Leafhoppers
- Leafminers
- Leafminers in Home Gardens (University of Minnesota)
- Leafminers of Vegetable Crops (Utah State University)
- Vegetable Leafminer (University of Florida)
- Potato (and other) Aphids (part of UMaine Extension’s Potato IPM Program)
- Potato Leafhopper (part of UMaine Extension’s Potato IPM Program)
- Tarnished Plant Bug
- Three-lined Potato Beetle [pdf] (UNH) (uncommon on potato and less damaging than the Colorado Potato Beetle)
- Tortoise Beetles
- Wireworms
- Yellowstriped Armyworm (Univ. of Florida)
Lettuce, Endive, Escarole, Spinach:
- Cabbage Looper
- Eggs of Imported Cabbageworm
- Imported Cabbageworm (egg and larva)
Imported Cabbageworm
(egg, larva, pupa and adult)
- Potato Leafhopper (a pest of not only potatoes, but many other crops as well)
- Leafhoppers (such as the Potato Leafhopper shown here)
- A leafhopper nymph (the wing pads are absent in the nymphal stage)
- Tarnished Plant Bug
- Tarnished Plant Bug
- Yellowstriped Armyworm caterpillar (Spodoptera ornithogalli) (Belgrade, ME; July 28th, 2021) (photo courtesy of Leilani Carlson)
Lettuce, Endive, Escarole, Spinach:
- Cabbage Looper
- Imported Cabbageworm
- Leafhoppers including Aster Leafhopper (Aster Leafhoppers are found on lettuce, celery, carrots, endive, and parsnip)
- Leafminers
- Leafminers in Home Gardens (University of Minnesota)
- Leafminers of Vegetable Crops (Utah State University)
- Vegetable Leafminer (University of Florida)
- Tarnished Plant Bug
- Yellowstriped Armyworm (Univ. of Florida)
Cucurbits (zucchini/squash, melons, pumpkins, cucumbers):
See also our Powdery Mildew of Cucurbits (Disease) Fact Sheet.
- Potato Aphid (‘Winged Rose’ stage)
- Green Peach Aphids on broccoli
- Cabbage Looper
- Cucumber Beetle (Striped Cucumber Beetle)
- Corn Rootworm Larvae
- Southern Corn Rootworm Beetle (Spotted Cucumber Beetle)
- Squash Beetle adult (left) and a Squash Beetle larva (right)
- Squash Beetle adult
- Squash Bug (Life Stages)
- Squash Bug
- Squash Vine Borer (Melittia cucurbitae) (August 9th, 2021) (from a summer squash stem in Otisfield, Maine)
- Squash Vine Borer
- Two-spotted Spider Mites
- Spider Mites (leaves with webbing are a telltale sign)
- Aphids (Green Peach Aphids and Potato Aphids)
- Cabbage Looper
- Corn Rootworm
- Seedcorn Maggot (Univ. of Minnesota Extension) | see also Delia platura (
- Spider Mites / Two-spotted Spider Mites
- Squash Beetles / Squash Lady Beetles
- Squash Bugs
- Squash Vine Borer (not very common in Maine) (Penn State) (adult photo via
- Striped Cucumber Beetle
- Two-spotted Spider Mites
Sweet Corn:
Note: Many of the ‘worm’ pests look very similar to one another.
- Armyworm Caterpillar
- Corn leaves damaged by Fall Armyworm larvae
- Common Stalk Borer
- Corn Earworm larva
- Pair of Corn Earworm larvae
- Corn Earworm larva
- Moth Stage (Corn Earworm)
- Moth Stage (corn earworm)
- Corn Rootworm Larvae
- Northern Corn Rootworm Beetle
- Southern Corn Rootworm Beetle (Spotted Cucumber Beetle)
- Cutworms
- European Corn Borer larvae
- European Corn Borer (collection of images)
- European Corn Borer (adult/moth)
- Fall Armyworm larva (Spodoptera frugiperda) (feeding damage to corn)
- Fall Armyworm Caterpillar (on a corn leaf)
- A cluster of Japanese Beetles
- Sap Beetle / Picnic Beetle (on a strawberry)
- Sap Beetles on a strawberry
- Wireworms (Click Beetle larvae)
- Yellowstriped Armyworm caterpillar (Spodoptera ornithogalli) (Belgrade, ME; July 28th, 2021) (photo courtesy of Leilani Carlson)
Sweet Corn:
- Armyworms (including Fall Armyworm)
- Common Stalk Borer
- Corn Earworm
- Corn Rootworm (Northern, Western & Southern)
- Cutworms
- European Corn Borer
- Fall Armyworm
- Japanese Beetles
- Sap Beetles (Univ. of Minnesota Extension)
- Seedcorn Maggot (Univ. of Minnesota Extension) | see also Delia platura (
- Wireworms
- Yellowstriped Armyworm (Univ. of Florida)
- Cabbage Looper
- Clavate Tortoise Beetle (Helocassis clavata)
- Pair of Corn Earworm larvae
- Corn Earworm larva
- Cutworms
- European Corn Borer (collection of images)
- European Corn Borer (adult/moth)
- Flea beetles
- Green Peach Aphids on broccoli
- Collection of Hornworm Photos, including the Laurel Sphinx (USGS)
- Hornworms
- Potato Leafhopper (a pest of not only potatoes, but many other crops as well)
- Leafhoppers (such as the Potato Leafhopper shown here)
- A leafhopper nymph (the wing pads are absent in the nymphal stage)
- Stink Bug
- A mass of stink bug eggs
- Adult stink bug
- Stink Bug
- Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (adult)
- Clavate Tortoise Beetle (Helocassis clavata)
- Tortoise Beetle (larva); Photo by G. Dill, staff
- Tortoise Beetle (larva with pile of frass for protection and disguise); Photo by G. Dill, staff
- Cabbage Looper
- Clavate Tortoise Beetles
- Corn Earworm
- Cutworms
- European Corn Borer
- Flea Beetles
- Green Peach Aphids
- Hornworms
- Leafhoppers (especially the Potato Leafhopper (part of UMaine Extension’s Potato IPM Program)
- Leafminers
- Leafminers in Home Gardens (University of Minnesota)
- Leafminers of Vegetable Crops (Utah State University)
- Vegetable Leafminer (University of Florida)
- Stink Bugs
- Thrips
- Tortoise Beetles
- Blister Beetles
- Black Blister Beetle — Epicauta pennsylvanica (DeGeer)
- Blister Beetles
- Clavate Tortoise Beetle (Helocassis clavata)
- Pair of Colorado Potato Beetles
- Colorado Potato Beetle (above: larvae, and below: adults)
- Cabbage Looper
- Corn Earworm larva
- Pair of Corn Earworm larvae
- Corn Earworm larva
- Moth Stage (Corn Earworm)
- Moth Stage (corn earworm)
- Cutworms
- Tobacco Hormworm (left) and a Tomato Hornworm (right); many people in Maine and beyond encounter tobacco hornworms feasting on their tomato plants so incorrectly assume they are tomato hornworms.
- Hornworms
- Tobacco Hornworm feeding on a tomato (seven white lines on each side of its body)
- Tobacco Hornworm; one can differentiate it from a tomato hornworm by virtue of its seven straight white lines on its side
- Tarnished Plant Bug
- Tarnished Plant Bug
- Three-lined Potato Beetle (Lema daturaphila) (central Maine, 7/20/2021) (very common on tomatillo plants; uncommon on potato in spite of its name)
- Thrips
- Clavate Tortoise Beetle (Helocassis clavata)
- Tortoise Beetle (larva with pile of frass for protection and disguise); Photo by G. Dill, staff
- Tortoise Beetle (larva); Photo by G. Dill, staff
- Yellowstriped Armyworm caterpillar (Spodoptera ornithogalli) (Belgrade, ME; July 28th, 2021) (photo courtesy of Leilani Carlson)
- Blister Beetles
- Colorado Potato Beetle
- Cabbage Looper
- Clavate Tortoise Beetles
- Corn Earworm (also called Tomato Fruitworm)
- Cutworms
- Hornworms
- Tarnished Plant Bug
- Three-lined Potato Beetle [pdf] (UNH) (very common on tomatillos)
- Thrips
- Tomato Hornworm
- Tortoise Beetles
- Yellowstriped Armyworm (Univ. of Florida)