Photo Gallery: Fruit Pests
- Apple Maggot fly
- Round-headed Apple Tree Borer
- Larval stage of a longhorned beetle (such as the Round-headed Apple Tree Borer at left)
- Black Vine Weevil (Otiorhynchus sulcatus) (strawberry, raspberry and cranberry pest; rhododendrons are also a host)
- Raspberry Weevil (also known as the Clay-colored Weevil) (Otiorhynchus singularis) (very similar to the Black Vine Weevil) (this one was found feeding on a rhododendron in central Maine; 5/16/2021)
- Blueberry Flea Beetle
- Blueberry Maggot larva (genus Rhagoletis)
- Blueberry Maggot fly (genus Rhagoletis)
- Blueberry Maggot
- Blueberry Spanworm (Speranza argillacearia) (also called the Mousy Angle Moth) (also has two older names: Macaria argillacearia and Itame argillacearia)
- Blueberry Spanworm
- Blueberry Thrips
- Tussock Caterpillar (feeding on lowbush blueberry)
- Codling moth (larval stage)
- An apple with codling moth larval feeding injury
- Codling Moth (Cydia pomonella)
- Cranberry Fruitworm
- Cranberry Weevil (also called Blueberry Blossom Weevil)
- European Apple Sawfly (larvae)
- (native) Fruit Flies (Red-eyed Fruit Flies)
- Spotted Wing Drosophila flies (actual size: 2-3 mm)
- Pupa of a Spotted Wing Drosophila
- Closeup view of the saw-like ovipositor which allows Spotted Wing Drosophila to cut into healthy soft-skinned fruits
- Spotted Wing Drosophila flies (caught on a sticky-card trap)
- Japanese Beetles on highbush blueberry
- Plum Curculio (adults and larvae)
- Raspberry Fruitworm Beetle
- Raspberry Cane Borer
- Raspberry Fruitworm
- Raspberry Weevil (Otiorhynchus singularis) (found feeding on a rhododendron in central Maine; 5/19/2021)
- Red-headed Flea Beetle (Systena frontalis)
- Red-Humped-Caterpillars on a highbush blueberry (Durham ME; July 29, 2013) (Photo courtesy of Jo-Anne Severy)
- Red-humped Caterpillars
- Rhododendron Leafhopper (Graphocephala fennahi) (Greenville, ME; 8/26/2007)
- Rose Chafers (beetles)
- Closer view of a Rose Chafer (The rose chafer is a type of scarab beetle)
- San Jose Scale (a species of scale insect)
- Sap Beetle / Picnic Beetle (on a strawberry)
- Sap Beetles on a strawberry
- Strawberry Clipper Weevil
- Strawberry Clipper Weevil (same genus as the Cranberry Weevil)
- Strawberry Clipper Weevil
- Tarnished Plant Bug
- Tarnished Plant Bug on a raspberry
- Tarnished Plant Bugs on strawberry
- Tarnished Plant Bug (and strawberry damage)
- Strawberries damaged by Tarnished Plant Bugs
- Spider Mites (leaves with webbing are a telltale sign)
- White Grubs (White grubs are sometimes a major pest concern for strawberry, cranberry and blueberry roots)
Additional Photos and Information:
- Apple Maggot
- Apple Mealybug
- Black Vine Weevil
- Blueberry Insect Pests (specific to Maine low-bush blueberry):
- Blueberry Flea Beetle
- Blueberry Maggot Fly
- Blueberry Spanworm
- Blueberry Thrips
- Red-striped Fireworm
- Spotted-wing Drosophila (invasive) (see Fruit Flies)
- Candy-striped Leafhopper (pest of blackberries and raspberries)
- Codling Moth
- Cranberry Insect Pests:
- Blackheaded Fireworm
- Cranberry Fruitworm (cranberry and highbush blueberry pest)
- Cranberry Weevil
- Cranberry Tipworm
- False Armyworm
- Redheaded Flea Beetle
- European Apple Sawfly
- Fruit Flies
- Japanese Beetles — includes a video: How to Get Rid of Japanese Beetles
- Plum Curculio (Cornell)
- Raspberry Insect Pests:
- Raspberry Cane Borer (Univ. of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension)
- Raspberry Cane Maggot (Univ. of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension)
- Raspberry Crown Borer (Univ. of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension)
- Raspberry Fruitworm (Univ. of Minnesota Extension)
- Photo of Raspberry Fruitworm Adult (Beetle) (Univ. of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension)
- Raspberry Weevil
- Spotted-wing Drosophila (see Fruit Flies)
- Oblique-banded Leafroller (Cornell)
- Red-banded Leafroller (Cornell)
- Redhumped Caterpillars (Washington State University)
- Rose Chafer
- Roundheaded Apple Tree Borer (Cornell)
- San Jose Scale (Cornell)
- Sap Beetles (Univ. of Minnesota Extension)
- Spotted Wing Drosophila
- Strawberry Clipper Weevil (also called Strawberry Bud Weevil or Strawberry Root Weevil) (Cornell)
- Strawberry Root Weevil (Oregon State University Extension)
- Strawberry Rootworm
- Tarnished Plant Bug
- Tussock Caterpillars
- Two-Spotted Spider Mites
- White Grubs