Lesson 4 Quiz

(Lesson 4. Weed Control in Pastures continued)

1. Name three weed control methods. (Review the lesson material.)


2. (True or False) Proper grazing management allows beneficial forage species to become stronger and out-compete weeds. (Review the lesson material.)


3. (True or False) The key to any weed control option is to prevent or eliminate seed production by the weeds. (Review the lesson material.)


4. Why is Canadian thistle difficult to control? (Review the lesson material.)


5. (True or False) A problem with chemical weed control is that chemicals may also kill desirable forage species. (Review the lesson material.)


6. Although annual weeds can be controlled throughout the season, they are most susceptible during which two stages of development? (Review the lesson material.)


7. (True or False) Biennials are easy to control because they do not produce many seeds. (Review the lesson material.)


8. The first step in an effective weed management program is to: (Review the lesson material.)

  1. Spray chemicals on the pasture
  2. Disk up the pasture
  3. Scout the pasture to identify weed species to be controlled


9. (True or False) According to Table 1, Banvel® /Clarity® will control Bedstraw. (Review the lesson material.)


10. Control of creeping perennials is most effective when the treatment method is applied during which two stages of growth? (Review the lesson material.)

