Fall 2021 Promotion Process Workshop

  • Recent changes to the promotion process:
    • If your 4th anniversary is any time during the upcoming calendar year, you are eligible to apply in the fall. (Previously, your anniversary had to be prior to July 1 of the upcoming calendar year.) For example, if your 4th anniversary date is anytime in the 2022 calendar year, you can apply for promotion in the fall of 2021 and the raise will be effective on your anniversary date in 2022.
    • The raise will be effective on your anniversary date in the upcoming calendar year. It could be retroactive if the process isn’t complete before your anniversary date.  The effective date was July 1.
    • We removed all references to a physical binder. All materials can be submitted electronically.
    • Supplemental materials are no longer required (letters of support, resume information, etc).
    • We changed the wording in the directions as there isn’t really an “application form”, there is just a list of information (name, contact information, etc) that needs to be included in your packet.
    • You are no longer required to provide supplemental information but you can choose to include links for additional information.
  • Answers to other questions:
    • If you apply in a year after your 4th year, the raise would be effective on your next anniversary date. It is not retroactive to a previous year.
    • You are not required to cover all the categories in the packet if it is not relevant to your position. It helps the reviewers if you acknowledge the areas that are not applicable instead of just skipping them.
    • Think creatively about how your tasks fit the categories. Serving on a search committee would fit in the leadership category.
    • It helps to keep track of parts of your work relating to the promotion categories in advance so you don’t have to find everything when it’s time to apply.
    • You can use your annual evaluations as a place to record the information.
    • Create a file, drawer, basket to save physical documentation (flyers, handouts, etc)
    • Avoid acronyms as the reviewers may not be familiar with your specific program area. Write as if the reviewer has no knowledge of your program area.
    • You only need to highlight your work. 8 pages is a recommendation, it can be shorter if you can highlight what you need in less.
    • Specific activities could cover more than one category in the packet. The narrative can state that something covers multiple categories.
    • The layout is not as important to the reviewer as long as it’s easy to pull out the necessary information for rating and has enough detail to show how it fits the categories.
    • Review committee members have to have worked for Extension for at least one year and not be submitting a packet in the year they are reviewing.
    • Being on the committee is often helpful if you plan to submit a packet in the future.
  • Please check out additional tips on the Professional page on Plugged In.
  • EPC is still negotiating the rate of the increase and the limit on the number of promotions. We have a meeting set up with Fran and Hannah to discuss our proposal.
  • The current contract has re-implemented cohorts. Anyone who had hit their 4 year anniversary by July 1, 2021 was categorized into one of two cohorts. One cohort will get an additional increase now and the other will get one on July 1, 2021.
  • EPC proposed a change from $2,600 to $3,300 with an agreement to adjust the amount each time the union negotiates a new cost of living increase. ELT countered with using 7% instead of a flat amount but with a cap.
  • Removing the supplemental materials does not decrease the intensity of the process. You still need to fully demonstrate how you meet the criteria.
  • The faculty promotion process is a union-negotiated process vs ours being a separate agreement.
  • Our process was originally based on the faculty process but it does not have to be. We can suggest ideas from other sources as well.

Feel free to reach out to us with questions – about this as well as any other professional topics such as PDQs.