Faculty Position Negotiation Process

System to standardize the faculty negotiation process (average timeline ~7 days):

  • The hiring committee chair sends strengths and weaknesses to the Extension Staff Coordinator.
  • The Staff Coordinator (with Extension HR Assistant Director copied) will send the strengths and weaknesses/search summary to UMaine HR for review.
  • UMaine HR will contact the Staff Coordinator to provide the greenlight to start the faculty offer process.

Faculty Offer Process:

  1. Within five days of clearing the UMaine HR approval process, the Extension Staff Coordinator (with Extension HR Assistant Director copied) will notify the position Program Leader of the approved salary range and that the offer process can progress.
  2. To start the offer process, the Program Leader will send an email with the candidate’s vita, position’s job description, and the below position parameters to the Administrative Hiring Committee (Extension Staff Coordinator, Extension HR Assistant Director, CE Finance, and Associate Dean and for split appointments, a member of the other unit). The Program Leader’s email will include recommendations for the following position parameters:
    1. Salary and address these parameters:
      • Experience (1-2 years, 3-5 years, 6+)
      • Education
      • Funding history or if they are arriving with funding.
      • Examine other faculty salaries
      • Other certifications
      • Base or Soft-Funded
        • Soft-Funded: Clarify expectations for the sustainability of the position.
    2. Office Location
    3. Start Date
    4. Other Items
      The below items and funds are not required, but please address them when you contact the administrative hiring committee:

      • Startup funding – $10k for year one and eligible for an additional $10k for year two which can be applied for as a one-time funding request. (Acknowledge funding) – must be spent during the reappointment process.
      • Moving costs – $3,500 (Optional)
      • Technology requests (computer – $1,500; and basic office furniture/equipment – $1,500)
      • Identify possible mentors
      •  Visa and international employment costs (Optional)
      • Lab space (Optional)
      • Credit to continuing contract (Optional)
      • Technicians and Grad assistantships (Optional)
      • Partner accommodations (Optional)
      • Documentation
        • Reference an MOU (for split appointments and special situations)
        • Memo – startup package, secondary office information, visa (Optional)
        • Professional Development Plan (optional)
        • UMS HR Offer Letter – Title, Salary, Start Date, Credit to Continuing Contract, Office Location
  3. Associate Dean presents and begins candidate negotiation within two business days of the administrative hiring committee email/meeting.
    • Once the offer is accepted, the AD will ask the candidate to send copies of their immigration documents.
    • Associate Dean may contact the administrative hiring committee if other details or requests need to be discussed.
  4. Once the final offer has been negotiated, the AD will email the administrative hiring committee and administrative coordinator (angela.hart@maine.edu) with an update on the final position offer. The AD must forward all email conversations with the candidate to the staff coordinator.
  5. OPTIONAL: If requested by the candidate, the Dean of Extension can provide a letter with a tentative offer to the candidate.
  6. HR will then start the hiring process and official offer letter. The administrative coordinator and PL will work with the candidate once they have accepted the offer.
  7. PL will contact the candidate and start the orientation and welcome process.