Record Keeping Tips

Developed by James McConnon, Business and Economics Specialist, and Jennifer Lobley, Extension Educator

  • Familiarize yourself with the performance areas, criteria, and standards outlined in the University of Maine Cooperative Extension Faculty Performance Evaluation, Reappointment, Promotion, Continuing Contract and Post Tenure Compensation Review Application Guidelines.
  • Enlarge copies of the performance areas, criteria, and standards. This visual allows you to note accomplishments and to “see” what areas you still need to “fill in” as you work through the year.
  • Organize a work space for record keeping.
  • Create a filing system organized by performance area, criteria, and standards.
  • Create paper copies of important information such as client contacts, attendance at workshops, program impacts, etc., and store in file folders/envelopes.
  • Store all records in a safe place.
  • Develop a record keeping schedule and stick to it!
  • Use colored highlighters with your calendar to indicate and easily identify program or performance areas.
  • Review your records regularly.
  • In general, your record keeping system should be:
    • Simple to use
    • Easy to understand
    • Reliable and accurate
    • Easy to access