Standards for Creating University of Maine Cooperative Extension Web Pages
All Extension web pages and social media must have an Identified Content Owner who is a current Extension employee (not a volunteer, retiree or 4-H club member) who is responsible for
- Including all of the following (Note: the CMS will automatically add these items to web pages):
- UMaine or UMaine Extension logo;
- Contact information; and
- Hyperlinks to return to the UMaine Extension homepage, parent pages, county office pages, and/or additional resources.
- Assuring that pages are in alignment with Extension’s mission and support a Plan of Work.
- Meeting ADA Priority 1 Accessibility Compliance (For help, see ADA Compliance Checklist).
- Adhering to UMaine Extension’s Branding Guide and External Linking Policy, and UMaine’s URL Naming Policy. (See Branding/Hosting Collaborative Websites for additional information.)
- Enhancing the image and educational capacity of Extension through the pages’ appearance and content.
- Providing information beyond what is already included at Extension’s website and social media.
- Checking the operation of page(s) regularly to ensure technical features (hyperlinks, videos, interactive components, etc.) are working correctly.
- Ensuring that content is accurate and credible, and identifying and removing possible instances of copyright infringement, libel, and invasion of privacy. The Identified Content Owner is also responsible for excluding religious messages, political opinions, sexually explicit images or text, and language that expresses gender, ethnic, or racial bias, or bias towards persons with disabilities; as well as material that implicitly or explicitly promotes the use or sale of alcohol and tobacco, and material that appears to endorse commercial products or companies. Umaine Extension web and social media content is subject to University of Maine policies regarding harassment and discrimination (Harassment and Violence Policy; Equal Opportunity Policy).
- Obtaining signed Release Form(s) from person(s) pictured in photographs used on page(s). *
- Obtaining written permission to use copyrighted materials, including images and text from e-mail or other websites (including other Extension sites). Form letter for permission requests.
- Crediting external sources of materials used on page(s), when permissions have been obtained.
- Including a disclaimer statement when products, businesses, or trade names are used on page(s) or when page(s) contain links to a website other than a UMaine site.
- Including the non-discrimination statement when advertising programs and workshops.
*Use caution when posting photos of children under the age of 18 on your web pages, EVEN IF YOU HAVE A SIGNED RELEASE FORM FROM THE CHILD’S PARENT OR GUARDIAN. Do not use pictures that could identify the names or locations of children, i.e., children wearing name tags or standing in front of their homes, schools, well-known landmarks, or places with obvious signs posted nearby. Don’t tag or include captions beneath your photos that include the child’s last name, home address or any address that locates the child. This simple practice will help ensure the safety of children who participate in our programs by protecting their anonymity.
See Section 4.11 of the Policies and Procedures Manual for detailed information about Corporate Sponsorship Policy and Linking to External Websites.
Web Policies Regarding Recognition of Donations and Corporate Sponsorships