“How To” Tips for UMaine Extension Web Managers

New employees, if your job description indicates that you will be doing basic web editing/updating to one of Extension’s websites, you’ll be required to receive basic content management system (CMS) training before gaining access to Extension’s websites. Contact Michelle Snowden at michelle.snowden@maine.edu to schedule a date and time.

Existing web managers, visit the Web Team “Office Hours” page, to schedule an appointment for help with current and new web projects, technical questions about the web, CMS training, posting content to the web, proofing web pages, policies and best web practices, ADA compliance, email marketing efforts, video preparation and editing tips/practices and user data for your web page(s).

Tip Sheets (CMS)

  1. 12 best practices for UMaine Extension web managers
  2. How to prepare images for the web
  3. How to create Anchor Links
  4. How to embed a Google Map into a web page
  5. How to upload a PDF or Word Docs as a Resource
  6. How to create a staff directory page using the People feature
  7. How to create an interactive map using UMaine Maps
  8. How to create a simple interactive form using the Forms feature*
  9. How to create a sidebar on a page using various Widgets**
  10. How to create a navigation menu, using Menus, to be used in a sidebar widget**
  11. How to make ADA compliant Tables in WordPress

*Requires Forms Editor privileges
**Requires Administrative privileges