February Vacation-Tanglewood

Tanglewood 4-H Camp 1 Tanglewood Road, Lincolnville, ME, United States

Each day of February Vacation Camp will begin with a scenic mile-long hike to Big Pine Lodge. Activities include animal tracking, snowshoeing, building snow shelters, and exploring the ecology of the winter season through games and hands-on lessons. Each day concludes with hot chocolate and stories in a warm cabin. Plenty of new adventures are […]


February Vacation – Blueberry Cove

Blueberry Cove 4-H Camp 22 Blueberry Cove Road, Tenants Harbor, ME

Each day of February Vacation Camp at Blueberry Cove will begin around a roaring fire in the Maine. We will spend as much time outside as possible exploring Blueberry Cove and other places in the St. George peninsula. Activities might include animal tracking, sledding, cooking, building snow shelters, and exploring the ecology of the winter […]


April Vacation – Tanglewood

Tanglewood 4-H Camp 1 Tanglewood Road, Lincolnville, ME, United States

April Vacation at Tanglewood: April 16-19 (Tuesday - Friday) What’s happening at the April vacation camp this year? At Tanglewood, we love the changing seasons and all the learning opportunities! […]


Any person with a disability who needs an accommodation to participate in a UMaine Extension program should contact their county office, their 4-H Camp or Learning Center office (listed below) or program contact to discuss their needs in advance.

Bryant Pond: 
Phone: 207.665.2068 | Email: extension.bryantpond@maine.edu

Greenland Point: 
Phone: 207.665.2068 | Email: extension.greenlandpoint@maine.edu

Tanglewood and Blueberry Cove:
Phone: 207.789.5868 | Email: extension.tanglewood4h@maine.edu

Equal Opportunity for All