Frequently Asked Questions

Program Specific FAQ & Packing Lists

These are answers to our most commonly asked questions.

If you have any other questions just ask!

Registration Deposits

Deposits are non-refundable. The balance of tuition may be refunded providing the cancellation is made at least one month in advance of the program to the main office,

If a registration needs to be canceled due to illness, the camp will work with you to reschedule for a different session. Otherwise, we will refund you the tuition less the deposit. The deposit is non-refundable.


The forms required to complete before camp are all necessary to protect your child and to help make their camp experience the best possible. Remember when completing the medical form, that your child has already been accepted to camp and answers will not affect their status as a camper. The more complete the information we have about a child, the better we may be able to meet their needs.

Please complete the online forms or return paper copies to the main office in Lincolnville at least 3 weeks before the start of your first session. You only need to complete these forms once per year, even if you attend multiple sessions or both sites.


A deposit is required upon registration. Full payment is due 2 weeks before the start of your session. Checks can be mailed to the main office at 1 Tanglewood Road, Lincolnville, ME 04849.

If you register online, you have the option to pay at registration with a credit or debit card or to just pay the deposit and return to the registration system to make additional payments later. Current and past-due balances can also be made here.


A small period of homesickness is common with most new experiences. We do our best to orient campers quickly so they will become comfortable in the camp environment. Our staff is trained to help campers overcome homesickness but families can help, too.

Some hints for you to consider:

  • A positive pre-camp attitude is often the key to a successful camp experience. Before camp, discuss things they can hope to get from their experience: new friends, songs and stories, learning about the natural world, good food, swimming, etc. Avoid telling your child they can come home “at any time” if things aren’t going well.
  • Write often. Bright, cheery news is great and expresses your interest in his/her camp program. Avoid writing about your loneliness or how the dog mopes around missing them and focus on how excited you all are to hear the stories when camp is over.

If you receive a letter from an unhappy camper, please don’t hesitate to call us. The time we all spend will be worth everything in terms of your child’s future happiness, self-confidence, and positive growth.


We do our best to make birthdays at camp extra special and we ensure counselors are informed about any campers who have a birthday during the camp week.

Can our camper choose their cabinmates?

We attempt to put friends together in cabins when indicated on the registration form or in correspondence with us before arrival at camp. Campers close in age/grade will usually be able to bunk in the same cabin because cabins are assigned by age. Most cabins are limited to a maximum of eight campers and two leaders.  Remember, camp is a great place to make new friends, and often strong friendships develop during the camp session.

Who are the counselors?

Our staff are chosen for their maturity, experience with youth, enthusiasm, and love of the outdoors. Some are former campers, many are from Maine, a few are from other countries, many are college students, and all are excited about camp. They participate in at least one week of staff orientation which includes safety/first aid, child development, and program planning. Thorough background checks are conducted on all staff through the University of Maine.

What if my camper needs accommodation?

The University of Maine is committed to working with all students/campers and participants to meet their needs. 

The University provides reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities upon request. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies: Director of Equal Opportunity, 5713 Chadbourne Hall, Room 412, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469-5713, 207.581.1226, TTY 711 (Maine Relay System).

Can campers do laundry?

Laundry facilities at camp are for bedwetting or incredibly dirty clothing only.  Please send enough clothing to last the entire one or two-week session. For our three-week Leadership programs, campers will do laundry after their first trip.

Should my camper bring money?

Campers will not need money during their programs. Each site has a small camp store during signout at the end of each session. Parents can bring cash or a check to pick up if they would like to purchase souvenirs (sorry, we are not able to take credit cards at our camp store). We try to keep the cost of the items reasonable and sell items that meet our sustainability criteria.

What should I do if my camper lost something while at camp?

While we do try to ensure campers go home with all of their belongings, inevitably some things remain. Please remember to label your campers’ belongings. Any items that are found are taken to our main office and the owners of labeled items are contacted. All unmarked items are held for several months after the summer camp season.

If you discover that your child is missing anything, please contact us with a description of the item.

What if my camper needs to take medication while at camp?

Each site has a healthcare provider who oversees all aspects of camper health care. All camper medicines are checked in with the health care provider by parents/guardians during registration and are kept in our health center at all times (exceptions can be made for inhalers and Epi-pens). Counselors are informed when their campers need to take medicines and can join campers at administration times.

How do you handle first aid and medical care?

In addition to a health care provider on site, we work closely with a local physician, and staff are trained in emergency care. If emergency hospital care is needed, we will take campers to the nearest hospital or call 911 for support. You will be notified if your child requires hospitalization or if they are ill.

What first-aid/safety provisions do you have?

The majority, but not all, of our staff have both first aid and CPR certifications. Any activity that leaves the immediate proximity of our facility is always accompanied by someone holding current first aid & CPR. All trips away from the camp facility also carry first aid kits.

All swimming activities are overseen by certified lifeguards; and boating activities by a small craft safety instructor or lifeguard.

For activities that take place off-site, our trip leaders are trained in first aid or wilderness first aid and CPR. The healthcare providers at each site are available for consultation with trip leaders regarding any health concerns. Each trip itinerary contains local emergency contact information including the camp director, camp nurse, land-owners, and local hospitals. Each itinerary also contains evacuation plans and routes. If emergency hospital care is needed, we will take campers to the hospital nearest to the trip. In the event of an emergency, the camp director will notify parents.

How can I communicate with my camper while they are at camp?

Receiving letters/cards from home can mean a lot, even if your child is only at camp for a short time. It can take a while for mail to reach us, so sending letters a little before your child arrives at camp is recommended! Mail delivery is late in the day, so mail needs to arrive before their last day at camp.

Campers also have the opportunity to send mail home from camp.

For campers at Tanglewood Camp, address mail to: [Child’s name], Tanglewood 4-H Camp, 1 Tanglewood Road, Lincolnville, ME 04849

For campers at Blueberry Cove Camp, address mail to: [Child’s name], 22 Blueberry Cove Road, Tenants Harbor, ME 04860

We cannot accept e-mails directed to campers. In some extreme cases, such as communication from family overseas, please email the office and they will print and pass on your letter to your camper.

What if my camper is on a trip program?

Some of our trips involve making food drops. Where this is the case, it is usually possible to also pass on letters or postcards for your camper. For more information please contact us.

Can I call my camper?

If you have an emergency or concern for your child’s safety or well-being, please call the director:

Tanglewood: Jessica Decke, 207.789.5802 or Blueberry Cove: Ryan LeShane, 207.491.6537.

Can I visit my camper?

Due to health and safety concerns, families are not permitted to visit during the camp program. Visits from families also distract campers and interrupt their daily routine. If a visit or early dismissal is necessary, prior arrangements must be made (preferably in writing) with the director.

Can I bring our dog to drop off or pick up?

We do not permit dogs as we host campers, staff, and guests who may have allergies, and we also wish to protect the area’s wildlife from interference.

What if my camper has food allergies?

In most cases, we can accommodate food allergies, provided our kitchen staff are given advance notice. Please make sure to provide the details on your camper’s health form or contact us to discuss your specific needs.


Due to the increased prevalence of nut allergies, we have instituted a policy of not serving nut products at camp and ask all participants to refrain from bringing nuts or nut-related products into camp.

Due to the variety of programs and activities taking place at camp including rental groups, use of trails by the general public, and our programming, we cannot guarantee that we are a nut-free facility for those with severe allergies but we are doing our best to significantly reduce the risk of nut-related reactions. Please feel free to contact us to discuss your specific needs or our policies.

What if my camper has specific dietary needs?

Please make sure to complete the health history form in detail and contact us to discuss your camper’s needs. Our chefs are often able to create options suitable for most dietary needs.

What if my child can be a “fussy eater?”

At each meal, we have a large number of options available, and counselors are on hand to help campers find something to their taste. It is very rare for a camper not to find anything to their taste at a meal.

Please visit our page about mealtimes where you can read more about what the food is like at camp and discover that it’s okay to ask for help!

Why can’t I send food to camp?

We ask that no food be brought (or mailed) to camp. The main reasons for this request are:

  1. Some campers have severe food allergies
  2. Food stored in cabins can attract wildlife

We have a wide selection of food available at mealtimes together with healthy snacks during recreation times, plus additional energy-rich food & snacks provided for those on hiking trips or other extended adventure activities.